March 20, 2025

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Garlic – Allotment Grow How #garlic

  1. Some chunky elephant garlic cloves there, should be an interesting haul in the summer! Wishing you luck with it.
    And there was some cloud movement! A good example of what time-lapse does: making the not-so-obvious very obvious.

  2. You have such a wonderful walk to your plot, through the wood. Those leaves will be awesome when composted. I have some garlic popping up (8 inches now). It feels more like Spring here in Tennessee rather than Fall. I wonder if we will even get any frost. Cheers

  3. Nigel is a sound guy went to visit him a little while back top bloke. Best place to get garlic from is online from the isle of white garlic farm top quality stuff. Nice time lapse you did see some cloud movement nice one ☝️

  4. Hi Adam, That was good of Nigel to send you the garlic. He's on my list of top You Tubers. Things are winding down on the plot but what strange weather we are having! Bright Sunshine with heavy rain showers on the South Coast so the allotment is wet under foot so, plenty of shed time. I have nearly filled my new leaf cage and guess what? I need another!. Thumbs up on the video. Take care Mike B

  5. Hi. I grow so called elephant garlic. It's not a true garlic. I use it like leeks mostly. I let some bulb at the base and replant those like garlic is planted. You'll notice if you let some go to seed the flowers will grow straight up like leeks not curled like garlic scapes. Interesting plant. Enjoy!

  6. Nice vid bud.  Thanx.  The only thing I have out back now is leeks.  I saw no point in a second planting due to weather.  I'll get out that stuff I told you about this coming week.

  7. I have my garlic ready to go in but we have had really hard frost. I tried to do it last Saturday and ended up catching a bit of a chill. You are clearly hardier than I am mate. That Brinno looks like a nice bit of kit. Nigel's garlic should do you proud there. It was clearly a source of relief to discover that eco loo. All the best.

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