June 12, 2024


VLOG 59. Some of the advantages and disadvantages to the way I farm.
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1 Day Workshop: http://bit.ly/2cziu7v
Donate: http://theurbanfarmer.co/support/
My online course: www.profitableurbanfarming.com
My book: www.theurbanfarmer.co

Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot: http://bit.ly/2cziu7v
Canon Rebel T6i: http://amzn.to/29JApHr
Canon wide angle lens 10-18mm: http://amzn.to/2a2t1pl
Shure Lens Hopper shotgun mic: http://amzn.to/29zpdMz
Joby Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod): http://amzn.to/29JBBu7
Go Pro action camera: http://amzn.to/29JBU8j
Phantom 4 Drone: http://amzn.to/29zqenG
iPad 4 for drone controller: http://amzn.to/29vwKdh
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: THE PRO'S & CON'S OF MY URBAN FARM!!

  1. just got your book a few days ago, so far so good, i love your strategy and feel like i can do something very similar if not exactly the same, to carve out my own niche, i truly thank you for giving me motivation to earn my own way, thank you

  2. Another 'pro' would have to be your positive 'can do' attitude. I was interested that your favourite books included more motivational books than gardening ones. I really admire what you do.

  3. You continue to be an inspiration Curtis… thankyou so much. I have always wanted to be a farmer and couldn't see a way in if it wasn't for people like you to the point where I have been offered land and have my first crop in the ground…!

  4. I've been thinking about portability recently. You do not have the luxury of a permanent location to sink lots of capital into. That is also a perspective which makes you think carefully about capital investment. People who are married to one site will often assume that they have to fix it up and put money into "permanent" assets like buildings and fences. Being a nomad makes you think twice about being flexible and keeping your assets portable.

  5. Advantage- the availability of materials and resources (hardware etc) lack of commute. Animal pressure is less for the most partDisadvantage- scale ability and expansion, having to travel to get to plots for harvest and planting, higher cost.

  6. One possible disadvantage that immediately comes to mind. This may be something we need to study in the future but what are the effects of city pollution on crops. If pollution is higher in the city how does that affect crops?

  7. A possible disadvantage – in most places, a couple of acres of rural land can be infinitely cheaper (less ridiculously expensive is more accurate) than investing in any size of land for a "home base" in an urban area. But as you beautifully demonstrated, making substantial profit as an urban farmer is possible. You're a real inspiration by the way.

  8. Hello Curtis i am from Portugal. You have a fan over here, just watched all your videos and the content is amazing. Loved it!
    So i have a question. I live in a city with alot of restaurants close to my house, max 10 KM and my house has a land of about 5000 square meters with anot of natural water and the soil is dark and rock free. Is it possible to turn this land profitable? how should i select the crops i need to plant? Can this be decided by asking directly on the restaurants like "what whould u like to buy from my future production?". I dont know how to approach restaurant owners. Any sugestion on those questions?.
    Thank you very much curtis keep up the good work! hugs

  9. While I'm really glad to see an attempt at punctuation in a Youtube video title – usually absent – there are no apostrophes in "pros and cons", they are plurals. If you want to be very pedantic, you could keep it for cons as it could be argued it is an abbreviations of "contras"; but that word is a bastard child of Latin and English so I wouldn't do it. "Pro" is not an abbreviation.

  10. Unfortunately, urban farmers are at the mercy of their neighbours, who sometimes just want to see green lawns, not gardens. I've seen people receive bylaw infractions for planting large gardens on their front lawns because neighbours complained, which is sad, but a reality in some places. Cities are just large condo complexes that often have people who want to control their neighbours.

  11. Where is the best time of year to till the grass to converted into planting field? I am planning to rent a BCS tiller . We have cut the grass really shot 2 wks ago and and our langley area is still very mild and soaking wet. I did purchased UV tarp but i don't think it is nesseary to use it now in late November. Thank you.

  12. a MAJOR issue for me down here in Trinidad (in the Caribbean) is that the rural farm has a river but it's contaminated/polluted and the water service to the location is VERY costly.
    we also have issues with access roads and planning permissions to cut new roads

  13. I already have 2 allotments here in the UK and I had asked to garden my neighbours garden a few years ago to his agreement. it was only this autumn that I got my finger out and started clearing his small piece of land….nothing on a scale to yours in Canada. this garden is just a small 5×15 metre plot but is already creating a community. I have a meet up group that I host and it's small, but it's been a great start. your actually doing it already inspired me to start at last. already been growing vegetables a good few years so I will be excited to see what I can grow just outside my front door on a very different type of land. thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Hi Curtis, I'm enjoying your videos – really good stuff. I have a question, sorry if it has been asked already – How do you deal with garden pests like SLUGS. My garden is often overrun with them and will easily decimate a crop of new seedlings. I wondered what measures you have put in place or do you not have that problem?

  15. J'aime beaucoup ta démarche de fermier urbain … tu es un de mes exemple à suivre … merci pour le partage avec tes vidéos gratuites …

    Je trouve qu'il y a beaucoup trop de plastique dans ta ferme … le plastique est un dérivé du pétrole … Tu es dépendant du plastique, car il s'use avec le temps … Je pense que la verre est meilleur que le plastique … Je rêve de tunnel en verre et de serre en verre comme les belles serres victorienne … Tu pourrais fabriquer de belles serres en verres avec du fer forgé … Une installation belle qui se remarquera, très MARKETING … On dit que la beauté est la parfum de la vérité …

    Pardonne mon audace fréro … J'imagine ta ferme avec des tunnels de cultures avec du verre et du fer recyclé … et des serres proches des serres victorienne, verre et métal … cette beauté, va attirer du monde … en plus, ce sera très écologique, BIO, naturel, sans pétrole … et durable … Une serre en verre et métal peut durer 30 ans s'il est elle bien construite …

    Bonne route fréro … I love U ^_^

  16. I subscribed and you are my hero for the day. You said the magic password. "if you want to see some changes don't ask for a permission". Yes, you have to struggle for every right you want to gain, you have to struggle to keep every right that was gained after a long struggle, and "they" will struggle to not grant it to you. Let your guard down and rights disappear in thin air.
    As long as you can convince many people that your disobedience is for a socially just cause … you are on the right track. If you can't, you are easy pray. One more anti-social pest the bullies had to remove from the sterile society.

    Green right thumb up, and left fist up as well.

  17. We live in Baltimore in a historic neighborhood that only wants lawn. When we moved in, I immediately tore out the lawn and replaced with food forest…the historic commission was pissed, but I don't care. They insisted we replace the lawn and we stood our ground. Our house was built in 1938 when the American government encouraged homeowners to plant victory gardens…the harassment ended.

  18. Curtis, are you considering using heated, solar powered greenhouses on the new land you are looking for? Taking into account the shorter growing season you have, out in the rural area.

  19. My boyfriend and I watch your videos the most. We will be starting out in about a week in Colorado. Life changing information we've learned this week. Can't wait to get started. We will be following your methods. Thank you!

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