June 11, 2024

VIDEO: Homesteading & Unrealistic Expectations~

Homesteading is not a game and you must be willing to do a large amount of homework to find out what works best for you. You have to be willing to really dive in and evaluate what are the “do’s & don’t’s” so you do not overspend money, lose animals, get injured or have a complete burn out. It happens and often it is because of unrealistic expectations… Hope this helps! That’s the goal!
Thanks for watching! xo
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homesteading & Unrealistic Expectations~

  1. Its refreshing to hear the staightforward truth. im hopeing to have my own place some time this year. Love animals and gardening. Not afraid of work, and have lots of skills. Just got to find the right piece of land. Your video was very informative . Thank you, your awsome and REAL. (-:

  2. I love this! No time to get offended! Old books/magazines and ignorance to knowledge. We never stop learning! I watched videos, read for about 5 years before buying chicks. I still have surprises, yet feel far better prepared than I was long ago when some gave me a couple of chickens and I didn't have a clue. Much better experience after the homework! Learning to know what you don't know is the 1st step. Asking questions about everything is important! When you don't know, you need to ask! If not sure, ask!
    I like the common sense! This is SO needed!
    Different woods burn VERY differently too! Sometimes the same wood from a different field even! Gotta know the area where you are looking to go! Different temperatures people feel comfortable at too!
    The animal info is so important too! As is life and death. Why TV & people shelter people from the subject I'll never understand.
    You can acclimate animals to be together, but it's work – every day.
    Great info! I know there's so much more!
    A list of books and videos would be great!
    It's a great lifestyle, yet it's not for everyone. Learn to learn what you want to do in life, then learn about it, then learn some more! Then if you want to try it, get some hands-on… See if you really like it. Ask questions! Think about all the variables you can think of, then more!
    What might seem insignificant might be critical.
    Thank you for being common sense!

    If you find straightforward advise "offensive" or are offended by someone imparting knowledge that you requested, then you should work on that. Trying to take on a life and responsibilities where you'll always be learning requires that when you ask for knowledge or help, or get some well-needed advice, you need to be an adult and be thankful.

    This video shoild be shown in schools!

  3. OMG! I don’t know how 3 years later, I’m just seeing this! Preach!!!!!!!! I can’t tell you the number of FB groups I’ve left because they are full of people that get chickens and a lab to guard them. Or think a cow will be fine on their front yard in the middle of the city. I’m not perfect either, but I read, I research, and I step into this slowly. Thank you for being a great source of honesty!

  4. I am not a homesteaders an I rent a duplex but its got enough land to do something. I wanna learn how to do my iwn garden even in this space. Please tell me or share your knowledge about growing my own food. I know i can grow tomatoes or peppers or simple things but i am talking truth like U are tAlking truth that at my age i have never ever grown anything BUT i want to grow some food here an i feel like i can do it. All i know to do rite now is what i am doing now which is looking at good videos an for sure listening to people like yourself who are very informative an positive. I will keep listening an learning an then I am gonna do something. ANYYHING. I have faith in GOD an in myself sn i know i can do something. Thank u for pumping us up an being so helpful is all i know to say for now. I feel so full of hope Thank You!!

  5. We live in a world thats has a world of knowledge at our fingertips tips yet we are starving for intelligence. Reality is tough when it comes to homesteading. I tell people to educate themselves before hand. It's sad that so much land is restricted, that is more of by design.

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