March 16, 2025

VIDEO: VLog Asian Greens Missing Chickens Dying Avocado Tree

This VLOG covers the vegetable garden, poultry pen, orchard, and a DIY job on our front outdoor staircase. The the patch I’m planting more Asian Greens, down the back one of our hens has gone missing, in the orchard I’m trying to save a dying avocado tree, and out the front I’m fitting the tops of staircase posts with Federation style knobs – all fun and action! Cheers 🙂
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: VLog Asian Greens Missing Chickens Dying Avocado Tree

  1. We each have a crazy nemesis plant, like your avo. For years I couldn't grow mint. Come on now – mint??!!! Once I realised it need more water, it got crossed off the nemesis list. It's weird – your block, your conditions, your weather…. it sets up unique conditions for all of us. Well, that's my theory.

  2. Your deduction about your hen's assailants was very interesting. The garden is looking fantastic. I'm dreaming of Spring and Summer here in USA.

  3. What variety are those cucumbers? I can't believe you have a problem with maggots in your jalapenos. I didn't think anything would live inside of a jalapeno. The garden looks amazing.

  4. I really like your channel (< 2 weeks) and the information you provide.  That is saying a lot from me! 🙂   I know you most likely don't need to & in a different Hemisphere – im in the US.  where I live it's -23 below 0 F (does Australia use Celsius?  -17.7778 C.  my favorite online ch right now but may change to u is Sean's Allotment Channel on youTube.  BTW… I am ex-military too so hopefully Australian military understands??  My daughter wants to try pickling or fermentation next summer.  you're cucumber fermentation vido is a lot of help.  thank you, Connie from Western Montana USA

  5. I do not know the language. But I watch the videos and they speak themselves. After all, 1 image is worth 1000 words. I am very excited! Which city do you live in? Goodnight from Greece.

  6. Do you grow Celantro. Have you heard of a Brassica called COLLARD, in US its called Collard greens, I gave up on Silver beet and now eat collards, nice big leaf, free standing plant an you pick of the leaf as you need. Wow nice property Mate, how many acres.
    How about Jerusalem Artichokes. I love them.
    Mushroom plant is Native to PNG, thats why it should do well in Qld, NT, never seen it in Phil so must get some seed.

  7. Hi, I love your channel, I am in South Florida and I am in a subtropical climate so I don't understand why I can't get my citrus like oranges and lemons to grow and fruit, the leaves are always wrinkled and underdeveloped. your lemons and oranges trees look amazing. Any advice?

  8. Hi Mark, Sweet potatoes are white on the inside and purple on the outside, and from the Islands as you mentioned, but Kumara is orange and from New Zealand, while the large deep purple kumara is from Asian countries like the islands around Japan, and it's purple on the outside and deep purple on the inside and grows larger than the purple ones sold here in Australia (Which are white inside).

  9. I was in Queensland once and vising friends and they had smallish back yard with a HUGE avo tree fruit was everywhere. I guess so places do better with them. Soil has its own life, finding ways to work with that would be interesting. I was looking up golf plastic practice balls and stumbled onto your videos. Got to say very enjoyable.

  10. Love that Thai mint,,,I use it often to make Thai Basil stir fry. It's good watching your videos as we grow similar crops.
    I lived in Thailand for 4 years and saw the best farms up in the north,,,organics school ran by the King then.
    Happy Gardening

  11. This is an old post but I noticed those brown spots with yellow rings on the leaves of your pepper plants. Mine have those also and I thought perhaps is was the fungal disease called "frog eye"? My leaves get progressively sicker and finally fall off. Now I am picking off the worst ones but leaving some to nourish the plant which is still growing and fruiting. Do you or anyone else know what it is for sure? I'd like to know. THANK YOU! ~A loyal subbie who loves your vids!

  12. Oh boy! It’s like I’m watching Russell Crowe talking. I love your videos, very interesting & informative. You inspired me a lot. I started a wee veggies garden in our little backyard, it’s so rewarding seeing them grow from seeds. Cheers from Wynnum

  13. Hello Mark, You know Mark, every time we can change a young child's ideas and teach them about where our food really comes from, and teach them that they can grow a lot of their own food we will have changed the world just a little. When we change a lot of kids ideas ETC we will have changed a lot of the world, and if we change enough of the future generations minds about what you can do to help the world, then we just may start a reverse effect on the global warming. However; we (I said WE) have to do OUR part and do the teaching. The one thing that I have taught to others is that is you should leave the land in far better shape than what you found. Idea: if you are going to clear the land then at least Plant a tree. Jessie from Arkansas USA

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