In the VLOG style over several days here’s a small collection or work/jobs we do on our acreage property whilst we maintain our self-sufficient lifestyle. During the video we touch on composting, kids working in the yard, weeding, planting food crops/trees, whipper snipping, protecting fruit from insects and animals, and lots more! Enjoy, share, and like – thank you!
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Great video, it's always good to a family work together. The boys did a great job! I always enjoyed working with my family, but the children are all grown up and on their own. Just my wife and I at home, but I enjoy doing garden work now more than ever.
I always feel better when my daughter helps me in the garden. Under her direction we're putting in a raised bed and I've shown her how to maintain the blueberry bushes.
She has charge of the composting and seed selection projects. It's a good thing.
i too think it's very important to have your children learn responsibility. good job. love your videos. send me some of that marvelous fruit
I seen kids get treated worse and this iis actually the best treatment for them, I'm glad that you are not only spending time with your kids but also getting them involved in your passions.
Mark way to teach your boys to work and make them earn it my 4 year with supervision year tends chicks and rabbits on our place.
Mark what do you use to cover your compost pile
totally agree about the rocks/pebbles…they are a pain and they don't really suppress weeds long term…
I throughly enjoy your videos even though I can’t imagine weeding or working in my own garden without my trusty gloves.
So happy I found your channel
keep up the great work! Its our dream to live out in the bush and have a more sustainable way of living together with our two lil boys so nice to see guys doing it. Urban jungle for now
What a beautiful place. I know it's hard work
50 bucks! A good day's work!
SuperDooper contains E635 that caused skin rashes on my daughters. Not recommended. Get a hydrate if it must be this kinda refreshment.
That's a couple of good kids you have there. They are a credit to you.
My dad was a builder. I used to go to work with him on Saturdays, in the 1960s, Im a girl. Id get 25$ . a lot of money those days, to clean up lumber and sweep the whole house out. Id go buy a new dress, nylons, and a new pair of shoes !… I was well dressed in middle and high school…Good memories with my dad. He is 90. A wonderful man, like you , Mark. ps, my dad keeps a nice small garden, still.
I'm so jealous. I grew up in Iowa USA, my parents had us do chores like this (yes 8hrs) to earn our 7$ allowance. It sucked but it did teach me to work hard.
Just wondered. Why didn't you give the boys a wheel barrow. It would have been done in half the time.
Funnily enough I love whipper snipping
Awesome! I wondered if I would ever get a glimpse of your family. What a wonderful team of helpers! You have a beautiful garden and homestead! Thanks for sharing.
Love it Thank you!!! From Coffs Harbour.
Even the dog has a job — sniffing the compost to be sure it's ready to use.
It's really good for kids to have some work to do in a huge green area like that.
It seemed to me that you have some palms too. Have you ever planted coconut trees?
It doesn't hurt to expect kids to help do chores. They need to learn they don't get something for nothing.
I always enjoyed when my husband and I worked together in the garden.
Great parenting Mark