March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Pro Knife Skills for Home Cooks with Meredith Leigh

Knowing how to wield various types of knives in food preparation is a cornerstone skill in the kitchen. Meredith Leigh teaches us her pro knife skills from honing and sharpening to hand grips and chef’s techniques. Sharpen your skills while you speed up prep time and learn key terms to help you be more knowledgeable and safe while keeping your blades in top shape.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pro Knife Skills for Home Cooks with Meredith Leigh

  1. Patrick mentioned that sharpening stones can be soaked in something overnight to clean them. What was the product he mentioned called? I could not understand. Thank you. The knowledge you impart in your videos is fantastic!

  2. I am really enjoying your skill share presentations. Reskilling our deskilled dependent American society is an excellent way to increase the resiliency of our communities. I remember watching my grandfather and our Italian uncle grind meat, pack sausages and hang and smoke them in a retrofitted tobacco drying house. We have lost so much these last two generations. You give me hope that we can revive this independent self sufficient spirit and pass our knowledge forward to the next generation. Curious though. Most of your workshop attendees appear to be middle aged or older. We need to educate our youth. Get them off their computers and teach them some practical skills.

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