December 22, 2024

VIDEO: Farmstead Uses For Wood Ash~

There are so many uses for wood ash on your farmstead! From your gardens, compost, chicken dust bathing areas and more! Be sure to take advantage of this natural gift especially if you heat your home Off Grid like we love to do in our Lopi Liberty! This Tennessee Master Gardener sure does love this stuff in her Back to Eden gardens! Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:

Old Timer’s Cough Syrup Vid:

*Other items we use & recommend!
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~Lodge Loaf Pan:
~Livestock Protection Dogs-Selection, Care/Training :
~Kindling Cracker:
~Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~Vetericyn Wound Care Spray:
~Mortar & Pestle:

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~ TICKETS for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference HERE:

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~My son’s channel-Marlow Music Inc:

Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Farmstead Uses For Wood Ash~

  1. The Indians washed their hair with wood ashes, as when it is mixed with water a very mild lye solution results, and when that lye solution finds the oils in your hair and on your body, voila, soap is formed. Thanks for another informative video! We are focusing on the lye-making (and then soap-making) use of our wood ashes, ashes from our maple syrup evaporator and outdoor wood boiler. I have put up a few videos on the subject; it is a lot of work, and uses a lot of ashes, and the results are worth the effort! Outdoor wood boilers are common in our neck of the woods, southwest Michigan, so wood ash is relatively easy to come by if I need more than we generate.

  2. I just started watching your videos and like them very much, my mom said the chickens dusting in wood ash kept lice off the birds, I used when we had chickens also and it really worked.

  3. Hi Patara (i think that's your name??? Hope so…) just wanted to tell you that I love your attitude and that southern accent. LOL. I'm a northerner and we raise German Shepherds so I'm not off grid or even a homesteader but I really enjoy watching shows from all you guys. So many useful ways to use up wood ashes! I never knew this stuff. My grand parents were farmers and carpenters. I got a LOT of carpenter in me but not a whole lot of farmer, so I'm working on that one as we speak. Just wanted to pop in here and tell you that I really enjoy your show.

  4. I love your wood stove. My husband and I have been researching these to fit inside our existing fireplace. I use all our ashes from my firepit, too. This video is great for sharing how awesome this stuff is instead of throwing it out.

  5. I sift it so it will go through a drop spreader then spread it on areas that have moss that I want grass to grow. The dead moss and ash make excellent fertilizer for grass.

  6. Great video! Love your boots at the end of the video. I believe I have the same ones. My family calls them my chicken boots. They are the only chickens I have. =)

  7. At what age do your roosters generally begin to crow? I have two that were hatched around March 1 and I’m just looking for a clue about when to expect that.

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