June 10, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back to Reality – A Walk in the Woods

  1. Hi Derrick and Paula, another great video! I always enjoy the thought you put into thinking, and your willingness to share bits of it with a level of coherence that seems all too rare these days. Until very recently, I've had limited WiFi access as I've been in the process of rediscovering an important aspect of my own reality, so I'm just catching up with your channel.

    Though living immersed in the natural world, of which we are a part, has always been important to me, and part of my experience whenever I could manage it, another part of my reality (being a musician) has caused me to live much of my life in big, crowded cities. Won't go into all the details regarding why and how, and why now, but as I sit here by the tiny wood stove in my tiny trailer, listening to the call of an eagle in the otherwise deep snow inspired silence of my new "home base" in Alaska, I want to thank you for sharing your journey "back to reality".

    I first found your channel as I was researching RV living, in preparation for this move. Eventually, I'd like to build a small off-grid cabin near where I am now, but I needed a "house" as I made the move, and this small trailer has been perfect. My recent Winter drive through BC and Yukon was beautiful (a terrible understatement, but I'm trying to keep this short). I learned a great deal by following your experiences in the van, and couldn't be happier now to see where it has taken you (or where you have taken it, in fact).

    Congratulations for discovering and living your new and improved reality, and thanks again for all the helpful tips and inspiration as my own journey unfolds!

  2. Great shot! Next year's Christmas card! The one of the heavy snow at night is actually pretty cool, too. You can "salt" your camera location by putting out some apple hunks after you've gotten your fill of what's happening naturally. Fun stuff!

  3. Well, we've finally finished viewing all of your many videos as of today, Aug. 10. Really interesting and very nicely done! On the trail cam, they work better when the animal crosses the view of the camera as opposed to walking directly toward it. The doe got close enough to trigger it. Something the deer and bears that frequent our back yard have taught us. Thanks for your fine work and sharing.

  4. You guy are Great to me. Thank you, for sharing your life & Reality. Your story telling is wonderful & full of hope & how a good life is shared, with each other & now threw YouTube the world.

  5. Along with your quest and discovery of getting back to reality – nature, Please take into consideration wireless technology and it's deleterious effects on all life. It is radiation and it's effects are cumulative. The utility meter on your home, if you have one, is probably wifi and I seen how you are using wifi for your grow lights and you have it throughout your cabin, you had mentioned. The technology seems so wonderful and convenient, and it is, but it is at a cost that I think folks would rather not pay if they were to research it fully. There is safe and sane technology. We do not need wireless radiation bathing us every moment of every day, and especially the children. You are quite the internet researcher, please check into this issue, for you're own sake.

  6. Just found you folks a day or so ago.
    Love your story and am eager to watch all of your videos
    The last photo is frameable. Have you considered a calendar? Or just allowing people to download photos of their choice? What a great way to promote the love of animals and nature.
    I just want to hug that beautiful deer.

  7. There were "Hunters, Fishers, trappers and gatherer's long before you were born and they had no impact on their surroundings''! The cameras were developed originally for research but did find other uses. "REALITY!" Do you believe what you believe is really real? Only GOD knows what is really real and HE declares it in the HOLY BIBLE! Your enthusiasm is to be admired and complemented; I appreciate your view of life! Keep searching!

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