Starting the 2017 garden season. It is slow going but will pick up speed. So far we have peas and beets in the ground and a few broccoli seedlings to first test out the cold frame.
VIDEO: Off to a start Slow but starting
Starting the 2017 garden season. It is slow going but will pick up speed. So far we have peas and beets in the ground and a few broccoli seedlings to first test out the cold frame.
We have the thornless black berry plants they have large fruit and do very well here. Best wishes Bob.
had snow here this morning lol. I have some peas soaking now. The broccoli should do ok as long as the slugs are controlled found some small slugs last week in the garden.. Beets mm I will have to put some out. I need to get my finger out got a new job start Monday. Inside English speaking firm let it snow let it snow let it snow
Beets are usually biannual so you'll have to leave a few in the ground for a couple years. You probably knew that already, though. Maybe those microgreens are 'Corn Salad' or 'Mache'? I am trying to grow it for the second time. This year I have sprouts, the last time nothing happened. My sprouts have only cotyledons right now though, so no comparison to what you have in your cold frame.
Just yesterday I made myself a small hoop-house/green house from a hog panel and 6ml construction plastic. I have not opened it yet to see if my seedlings survived the freezing night. I am waiting for it to warm up more.
I do have a bunch of stuff (random seeds collected while sorting) coming up under a row cover, but it has been very cold. Mostly appears to be brassicas, but there are some other things sprouting as well.
I hope you are able to get seeds from the beets. Sorry to hear about the berry take over. They have a mind of there own. I find them walking all over the yard.
I'm excited to see how the raspberries do!!! I'm growing 2 kinds of beets this year (Detroit Red & Bull's Blood). Looks like you're off to a great start! I wish you MUCH SUCCESS in your garden my friend.
Feldsalat is called lambslettuce as far as i know. Happy gardening
I hope you get to feeling better…
Beets are wonderful.
Interesting microgreen setup.