Hi Andy, good & informative video. Mice, Ive got them I think we all have them. Chap three plots away sowed his direct in to the ground 5th November . About 6" tall now. What about the mice says I. Look around says he the farmers plough a furrow throw in the beans and up they come, Mice leave em alone too deep you see. Another chap says I puts em in the ground and put coffee grounds over em so, Ive done both. Another chap says that only put off the mice that drink tea. The coffee drinkers have a field day. A field day, never mind, let you know how I get on. Take care Mike B
I just ordered my broad beans here in the States as we are several weeks behind those of you over the pond. Put my garlic, onion sets and shallots in about 3 weeks back and leeks will go in soon. What's your cat's name?
Unfortunately my mum got confused about the wart advice and I had to rescue her from Waitrose where she had opened a pack of frozen broad beans and started rubbing them on herself after stripping off. She has a lot of warts. I felt extremely embarrassed and she's due in Court next week for indecent bean exposure. Great video as always.
Love your style, warts and all.
Best o' luck for this season, mate.
Hi – That was great. How did you take the shot of the compost going into the plant pot from below? Take care.
Hi Andy, good & informative video. Mice, Ive got them I think we all have them. Chap three plots away sowed his direct in to the ground 5th November . About 6" tall now. What about the mice says I. Look around says he the farmers plough a furrow throw in the beans and up they come, Mice leave em alone too deep you see. Another chap says I puts em in the ground and put coffee grounds over em so, Ive done both. Another chap says that only put off the mice that drink tea. The coffee drinkers have a field day. A field day, never mind, let you know how I get on. Take care Mike B
I just ordered my broad beans here in the States as we are several weeks behind those of you over the pond. Put my garlic, onion sets and shallots in about 3 weeks back and leeks will go in soon. What's your cat's name?
Another great video added to our allotment playlist on our channel homepage.
Unfortunately my mum got confused about the wart advice and I had to rescue her from Waitrose where she had opened a pack of frozen broad beans and started rubbing them on herself after stripping off. She has a lot of warts. I felt extremely embarrassed and she's due in Court next week for indecent bean exposure. Great video as always.
Hi Adam, Good luck with the broad beans. Love the cat getting in the act
Best wishes Derry
3,2,1 … hahaha … , nice tip with the cap, good luck with the beans
ok lupins and a cat ,man card in jepardy.
i must go and do mined Adam
Hey Adam, best of luck on beans… I know a couple of "warts" I could do with out… LOL T
I was born in 2010