June 10, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Snow Fleas: The Unsung Heroes of the Natural World

  1. That answers my questions about all those little bugs I saw shortly after the snow melted this spring. They were everywhere outside. I was worried we had a major flea infestation. Thanks!

  2. Holy crap I've seen these before.

    I was hiking in the winter with some friends. We stopped halfway up the mountain and sat on an old dead log. Maybe 30 seconds go by before I look down and see exactly this, but imagine so many that you see more black dots than white snow underneath… all over the log and the ground around it.

    We freaked out and started jumping around trying to shake any off us. Yet for some reason we never bothered to look up what they were, so thanks for the info!

  3. Springtails are their proper name ,so why the name in disguise , You really had me until you said Springtails ,small, dirt brown there in abundance in my garden and love leaf litter and compost ,

  4. That was really interesting, thank you. I've heard the name, but never thought much about it, and I've seen those little black specks on the snow, but just assumed it was something that fell from a tree, or blew in. So I never actually looked closely. I will next time!

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