Bottom line~Wearing jewelry while you work your homestead is a mistake on two fronts.
1. It’s dangerous for many reasons which could lead to injury.
2. It is terrible for your jewelry.
~ As a Graduate Gemologist and homesteader, let me tell you why! Please be smart and safe on your farm! Take it from me.
Thanks for watching! xo
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Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381
That's interesting to learn about you! … We do Lapidary and I sell our work to make money to feed our animals.
"Desert Hues Designs"
My horse likes to try to grab my wedding band with his teeth Lol
wearing jewelry in combination with wet conditions or when sweating causes free nickel ions in jewelry, watches, belt buckles, and equipment, to be absorbed through the skin. nickel accumulates in the small blood vessels of hands feet scalp etc and causes an autoimmune reaction, resulting in blisters, eczema, extreme itchiness, that is worse with each exposure until you become so sensitive that eating foods with high nickel content, like beans, seeds, grains, and greens sets off a reaction. google nickel sensitivity and low nickel diet. i am disabled and no longer able to work because of wearing jewelry while working in food service and commercial cleaning. this is no joke!
AMEN!!! I learned that from my husband… He's a mechanic in the Army. While in Iraq one of his soldiers ring got caught while working on a humvee and lets just say his finger is no longer. Its not worth it. The chicken's and the garden don't care how pretty you look.
I've never been in the habit of wearing jewelry every day, it's never seemed practical – I grew up country and it just wasn't something people did. Jewelry was
strictlyfor special occasions, and that's honestly an attitude that's stuck with me.Having worked for many a yr in the catering trade, you are not allowed to wear jewelry… so that has been drummed into me….. alll that Krav training only to get mugged by a chicken…… if anybody else would have said that I would have called them a liar….. your poor ear still looks red n angry…..I love my sparkly ( who doesn't ) but they sit in a box and never see the light of day…kinda sad ….but safer that way
Thank you for the advice, though I wish it had come a few days ago. We've got our first chicks (well, by now they're teenagers) and as a rookie chicken lady I did not realize that those girls would love the shiny stuff! I leaned into their crate on Saturday to refill their food and one of them jumped up & just about took off my earlobe! Lesson learned & then reinforced by this video. Jewelry on the homestead = trouble!
i never even thought about that
as a threat & i make jewelry and i have a farm ( growing only fruit n veg so far )
ill definitely be on guard and unaccessorized once i get animals our chicks will be here in a few weeks thank u for sharing this EXTREMELY valuable lesson
I pretty much only wear my wedding ring these days and the tan line is SO white haha. My chickens peck at my fingernails if I wear colored varnish so I can only imagine if I had pretty jewelry on haha.
That's so scary about your husbands wedding band though! Might have to rethink wearing mine. I mean it's pretty snug but that is scary
thank you
What a very cool area of expertise! And a very, very good reminder!
I was worried you hadnt found the one earring when you started the video! Phew! Id noticed that bling before but had not heard your background before! What a fun and varied mix of folks and backgrounds we get to run into in this world!
my hens are the same way haha my grama was in the chicken coop with all my golden comets and one jumped up and bit her wedding ring haha she almost fell over maybe they like to were jewlery too but i love them
I lost my class ring out in the dog kennels worming the dogs
40 years ago my husband got his NRA ring caught and crushed on a piece of equipment almost snatched his finger off. The ring had to be cut off, the skin stitched all the way around his finger. He stopped wearing any kind of jewelry after that except for a watch with a Velcro band.
You made me giggle "a chicken" Good advice, and now I know how educated you are on gemstones. Very exciting stuff.
Thank you for this warning. After 47 years of marriage, we could open a jewelry store. lol I have cautioned my wife many times about wearing hers in the garden and doing yardwork……….Maybe she will remember now.
Ouch! Bless your heart! That had to hurt. Thank you for the reminder Patara! I've known several guys over the yrs. who nearly lost fingers from getting their wedding rings caught. I bet that little hen was shocked when she saw the ear ring wasn't eatable. I have a "little thief" around my house too. Each week when my aide cleans out my fridge my little dog runs in there and swipes fresh fruit and vegetables. My "little thief" eats what she helps herself to too.
Hen is a thief!
So lucky your husband didn't get his finger de-gloved.
I had a chicken stick her toe into my $3700 and sling it off in the chicken coop. I searched and searched until I found it. I was very lucky I was in coop . That broke me
You were on JTV!
hahahaaaaaaa…laughing at the slow -mo!
Omgoodness….just last night, I got home from a church pot luck….in a dress and yes, jewelry….I was taking a hen from this bin she’s staying in while nursing an injury because she had spilled her water and made a mess, and needed to be cleaned. As I went to put her on the kitchen floor, her foot grabbed my necklace and would not let go. It’s just costume silver….but happens to be one of my favorite pieces. I tell you….trying to one handedly hold on to her, pry her foot open and keep her from grabbing it again was interesting…..
Argh the pearl necklace story makes me weep!
pearl of a girl