March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Try Growing Barbados Cherry for Hot Climates (low chill) How-to Superfood

Here’s a great cherry substitute for warmer climates called the Barbados cherry or Acerola or West Indian cherry. It’s a known “superfood” due to its antioxidant qualities and amazing vitamin C ratio. This is a fantastic fruit tree to grow in the backyard for its wonderful tasting fruit and ornamental qualities.
Buy it on Amazon here:
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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Try Growing Barbados Cherry for Hot Climates (low chill) How-to Superfood

  1. Mark- I live in the US Virgin Islands and we have 7 of these trees. When they were originally buried in the grown in their pots, they produced. A few are 10’ the rest but one head high. My question is, only my little one is producing this year… They are my absolute favorite and guard my ripening ones from the birds. Any suggestions on how I get them all to produce again? Prune them back? Thanks for all of your passion and videos!

  2. These have so much vitamin C that eating more than 2 dozen in a day will cause vitamin C poisoning! They have on average 1.5 times the vitamin C than your standard 50mg vitamin C tablets per berry!

  3. Hey, i live in Barbados! As a child we would pick, wash, dig out the stems from the cherries, place them in a bold or cup, sprinkle some brown sugar over them and crushing togather, this makes a delightful treat

  4. I want to get one of these. Thank you for this video. I want to get one of these. What is a bora? Also, how old is the mini part growing? Is there a way to keep this small?

  5. Can someone help me find viable seed? The few places that carry seed.. are these ETSY and eBAY sellers, with flowery advertising. They charge 5 dollars shipping, and only ship a few seed, they are never good looking seed, $10+ for a 4 or 5 dried out seed. Im so tired of seed resellers. fi you going to charge 10 bucks for seed, put alot in there. If your going to sell old dried up seed, price it what its worth. Ive been at this 4 years, and have yet to meet an honest Acerola seller. Acerola, Jamaican Cherry, Ackee, Goji, Silverberry, Seaberry, etc etc etc.

  6. Hi Mark, if missery love's company; Here's one for you We had a plum tree, delicious large as baseballs plums, it was about 20-25 ft. tall. Unfortunately the people who lived here before we bought our homestead did no maintence on the plum and a boorer of some sort killed this beautiful plum tree. Our only good season we gave plums away by the bushels and I canned and canned then by that fall the tree was gone. I have a replacement plum of the same type which is nice and healthy. Good fruit trees you have there Mate. Jessie Arkansas USA

  7. Hi sir ,iam rashmi kanta,I need your contact no,I am from India.i want to grow cherry in my garden but we dont have cold climate in our state ,odisha.pls give your face book no or contact no.

  8. pound for pound it has 100x vitamin C than an orange, but a single cherry has about 40% more vitamin C than an orange. Cool video on this cool plant

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