This quick and easy do it yourself tip can help increase your harvests. Using just spray paint and rocks you can save your strawberries from the birds.
AMAZING Garden, Back To Eden:
bahahahaha brilliant lol thanks for the update bruh, keep them coming
That's a great idea!
water based paint?
hope you see the difference once you pick the real once…
bon apetit
Wonder if that works to keep my kids from eating all the strawberries as well? Let us know how that worked out its an awesome idea.
Let us know how it works. I live farther north so I still have a lot of time. I finally got some wood chips for my strawberry patch so hopefully I'll do better this year.
Thumbnail had me fooled.
Poor birds. I know, I want a bigger harvest too.
Toooooooooooo kool. Please let us know how this works through the growing season.
Hey bud, Great tip! Keep us posted. I've heard of this before but this is the first time we'll have the chance to see it in action. Take care James!
Last year, I put down wood chips on a little under a quarter acre, and planted a few things like comfrey and hazels. This spring, I've got volunteer clover, vetch, some Himalayan blackberry (it's an invasive noxious weed here), dandelions and false dandelions, and some other unidentified pioneers.
This year, I'm planting several apples, apricot, more comfrey, squash, legumes, and herbs.
I just found your channel, love it and subbed.
Thanks for this clever trick and the great videos.
did it work?
Great content James! Congratulations! Keep it up! Youtube needs more people like you.
Great idea James. I'm going to have to try this
What were the results of the experiment? Clever!
I feel that this is incomplete. Without a game camera to actually see if it works, it is just a myth. I have never seen you post a myth. This is disappointing. Verify this myth, and I'll gladly sub.
Excellent idea! Thank you for sharing!
Great idea.
Thats genious Prigioni! The birds never come near the strawberrys at my house, i live in a narrow valley, and i think they know its a good spot to be ambushed by a hawk or owl. But the strawberry pryamid i built for my mom gets wrecked by the balls-ier city birds. They arent even scared of a barking dog that hates birds, As long as her chain is a foot shy, and they figured out the rubber snakes real quick. But i KNOW this will work this spring!
spray paint is caustic
Smart tip! I love me some strawberries
Punkin the birds lol!
Nice trick
Hmm, these rocks look pretty delicious to me.
You sir, are a friggin genius.
WOW!!! What a year makes. Still a great video, with that said. Your so more lively now!!
I have been having a hard time with slugs and pill bugs eating my strawberries… How do you keep them eating yours?
Are you still doing this? Does it work?
Did this work?