June 10, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Digging White Kennebec Potatoes

  1. Nice looking garden! Beautiful potatoes! Those Alabama jumpers are the same worms I have in my new raised bed as well. They aerate the soil nicely and provide castings. I gathered a few dozen one year and now I have more than I could ever count in a few worm bins!

  2. It feels like it was just yesterday you planted the tomatoes!! Not a bad haul at all from a Backyard Homestead!!! Love it and I'm a tad bit jealous of your growing season!! LOL!! Stay well!!

  3. Hey Lea, the garden looks GREAT. My mouth was just watering looking at those tomatoes… It fun listening to you when harvesting your potatoes "look at all those worms". Glad I'm not the only one that gets so excited when harvesting them. I grew the for the first time last year and was like a little kid. Great harvest!!, best of luck on your okra and sweet potatoes. T

  4. How long did you wait for harvesting your potatoes in a shady area?? I'm doing a couple of experiments of potatoes growing in shade…and I'm curious to know how well they are going to do!! As I have a lot of shady places around my house!! Cheers!!

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