June 8, 2024

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Part 2 2017 Garden progression

  1. Only thing I would say with the broccoli would be compact the soil before you plant them the other thing is I dont have much luck with them too. The borage will keep coming I have pulled loads but leave and move some great for the bees and the flowers look great and nice to eat. Had a massive storm last night the garden is well watered.

  2. Strawberries o.k., broccoli, looking good, hopefully this year the flowerheads form larger than the baseball size, poblano peppers,…ymm…I'm thinkin' your missus could make some yummy(even yummier)stuffed peppers than they here in Mexico,…lol….and the thornless raspberry? I had no idea this plant existed, I do know that regular raspberries are so riddled with thorns, if it wasn't for the yummy berry they produce, I wouldn't see them worth cultivating,…loaded with raspberries ya say,…and at the price of a 170 gram pack, it goes for between 35 and 40 pesos, around 1.75 to 2.00 usd! Thumbs up Jay, your garden's getting off to a great start! 🙂

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