Cucumbers are a great refreshing snack to have on a hot day, and they are also easy to grow.Their are a few things that can make the difference for you between getting a few cucumbers and getting an abundant harvest. If you want to grow productive cucumbers, this is everything you need to know.
BLACKBERRIES! Everything You Need To Know:
There is a yellow variety that I grow called Poona Kheera, they are awesome and taste amazing. Plus they have that factor that they look nothing like what you would find at the grocery stores.
I planted some white wonders. Idk how I'll be able to tell if they are on there too long. So far I think I've been picking them a day or two early. They didn't break off as easy as you showed here.
We are growing dragon egg, suo long, Armenian, and national pickling cucumber, all from Baker's Creek
Great advice, and great video. I've been growing cukes for a while and your advice is sound and concise. Keep up the awesome work!
I like the look of disbelief when I hand someone that's used to grocery store garbage a garden fresh cucumber with the prickles still on. It's as though it came from outer space.
I think in England we only call slicing cucumbers "cucumber" – your pickling cucumbers look like what we would call gherkins. We also don't have zucchini – we call them courgettes, and egg plants is what we call aubergine. And we don't have cilantro either – we call it coriander. I often wonder where the American names for vegetables and herbs came from – maybe it was other languages spoken by American immigrants who were not English speakers originally, absorbed into the language? I only have one cucumber plant this year – it looks healthy but it hasn't flowered yet – so no idea whether it is going to produce or not – fingers crossed!
What are the yellow spots on the leaves? Mine get those too.
I sooo failed at Qs..bitter bitter bitter…what did I do or nought do? Its nought easy being green..
If my cucumber is white on the bottom and fades to green is it safe to eat or should I be picking before it turns white at all?
Mr. Prigioni, where do you get the seeds from?
Subscribed, great videos.
Love these short & informational videos.
My dog has eaten everything I tried to grow this year! The watermelon plants made her sick, and she still tries to pull and dig at them. How can I discourage her from destroying my projects?
I have such a small garden in the front I grow most of my plants in pots on the back patio. That’s how my dog gets to dig them up when I'm not looking.
Hey James what’s the name of the Japanese cucumber that you love? And is it for pickling it slicing? Planning our tasty Australian summer
Thanks James – I need all the help I can get. Cucumbers are really high in nutrients, good for the gut, I eat tons of them!
Hi James Could you please write down or record your pickle recipe? Is it the refrigerator type or other?
I have been trying to find Rhubarb crowns. Does anyone know where I can get 2 Rhubarb Crowns
You are great inspiration, I'm a new gardener and learning so much, Thank you! I've got to look up permaculture?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
james, tucky looks much more relaxed years ago than you did!! you have come so far my friend