June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Tomato Problems: Fix Issues Affecting Your Tomatoes

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There’s nothing quite like the aroma and taste of a homegrown tomato. They’re also pretty easy to grow as long as you’re prepared for signs that something is wrong.

As well as pests and diseases, tomato yield and quality can be affected by nutrient deficiencies, poor pollination, irregular watering and other issues.

In this video we’ll help you troubleshoot some of the most common tomato problems, so nothing gets in the way of a terrific crop.

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tomato Problems: Fix Issues Affecting Your Tomatoes

  1. Hi, I’m growing piccolo and shirleys this year (in greenhouse). The piccolo plants are curling at the top, not just the leaves it’s the whole top of the plants, they look healthy apart from this. A while ago I’d put some slug pellets down and they went mouldy so I removed them but wonder if it’s messed up the soil? Any help/advice would really be appreciated

  2. I have a couple of plants where the leaves on the bottom start to yellow, but even if they are removed, the yellow continues up the plant. The leaves also wilt as if they are not getting watered even though they are.

  3. Use a uv light ($10-20) at night to find hornworms. They glow like a stripers panties! I regularly find them 1 cm long. I thought they hatched bigger than that.

  4. Thank you for the video. My tomatoes the plant the bottom part dries out and the top is still growing, there are also flowers and tomatoes. Someone said that th eart might neat treatment. How would I go about doing that and can I use natural resources or homemade products to treat the eart.

  5. Thanks for the heads up on tomatoe problems. I usually grow mine outside in the home garden. 3x gow bags with 3 plants in each. It's a joy to pick and eat. I can't wait for july.
    I didn't know to gently shake the flowers to help pollinate. Ben Keep up the fantastic videos; you're such a pleasure to watch. Plus, I'm learning a lot. Thank you… Kim xxx

  6. Hi! We started 3 different tomato varieties inside this year, and we're starting to see some of the leaves curling and looking dry. The rest of the leaves and stem look fine, but those curling leaves do not. Any help on this?

  7. Hi, I am growing tomatoes for the 1st time this year. I have a cherry tomato and some "money maker", growing in the greenhouse, as I am 900ft above sea level in "sunny" Bolton, Lancs. Do I pinch out the suckers from between the"branch" and "main stem" on both varieties? Also, how do you make the comfrey tea please?
    Love watching the videos, I find them very informative. Keep up the good work Ben.

    Thanks very much. Liz

  8. Has anyone ever had issues with blight starting halfway up the plant? I seem to have it affecting the new leaves and the top of my Black opal plant. My first year growing and I've been checking everyday and it's just sprung up out of nowhere in the last 2 days. My friend who has exactly the same plant has exactly the same issue in exactly the same places. We are also experiencing blossom drop. Also my pollination of the black opals is about 3 in 10.

    I'm not sure if to just cut off the at the bottom and remove the whole side that's affected. As an beginner I had no idea that my plant having two main stems at the start in a V shape wasn't exactly the best idea. The side with the blight is much bigger than the unaffected side.

    I'm growing in a raised bed so may have to remove the whole plant as to not pass on the blight to my cherry tomatoes that it's close to.

    I hope someone has some experience of this.

  9. Some more great tips Ben, thank you, of course keeping all the veg watered just now is proving difficult with hosepipe bans , my husband and I take a small bucket into the shower to catch the run off before the water warms up we get about half a bucket each which otherwise runs away down the drain.

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