Chickens and a Food Forest can be incredibly beneficial to one another when managed properly. The Permaculture perspective is important when gardening with chickens, allowing them to work with the system rather then opposed to it.
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Man one of our chickens got out! I just got some cleaning up and she made a huge mess! All my starts scrathved out. So now I put wood chips in their pen! So many worms and great soil.! It's super great stuff.
Good video
Excellent tips on Chickens and Garden/Forest management.
Do not kill and eat the chickens you love. Please. Thank you.
Awesome information , I have black birds that dig my gardens for bugs and worms but never touch the ants funny enough. I think chicken are an awesome weapon for these critters , thank you.
Good tips, thank you.
Your living my dream…thanks
You ever feed your chooks commercial feeds?
I have a lot of currants and jostaberries in my garden, which can be propagated by inserting dormant branches into the ground. The lower fruits feed the hens as they find them. I would also recommend to gardeners with chickens to grow some grains as well. It's very natural for the hens to graze these as they ripen, not to mention a lot of fun to watch.
Chickens also really appreciate the cover from predators that plants bring. They will run across the yard quickly in the winter when the yard is relatively bare.
what do you use to keep worms out of the fruit from you fruit trees?
How do you handle your chickens in the winter? And thank you for posting so many informative videos!!!!
Look into a system called chicken Chunnel. Basically a small wire cage when you can direct where the chicken can go
James thank you for the videos. I use my chickens to keep harmful insects out of my bee hives. I am a beekeeper, and they drastically cut down the hive beetle and wax moth populations, you just need to ensure the hives are placed high enough so the chickens cannot eat the bees who are on the landing board. I also use the manure around my fruit trees and the manure and pine shavings from the coop around our blueberries. The manure fertilizes and the pine shavings provides acidic soil amendment.
Our chickens can move free. I grow goji, blueberrys, chokeberrys, fig trees…. If they notice that i digging in soil they come to "healp". They realy can destroy your hard work in no time.
If you don't want the excessive scratching then you have to use ducks instead. They'll eat the weeds and leave the ground undisturbed.
How do you keep the chickens alive during the winter months?
please, get away.. let,s see chicken
Chickens are great for pasture rotation, ( following cows ) or for preparing land for a garden. In wood chips/back to Eden, they are just as helpful staying in their pen….:) give them a compost pile to turn and feed on in their pen..they should be working making you COMPOST.
3:10 James this is what I love about you and permaculture. For a soul such as myself who loves my chickens like pets I just simply can't help myself when there so happy scratching all over. I've started to segregate some areas and now that my chickens are older, and one has a bit of a limp she loves going into the segregated garden in winter and scratching all of the leftover lettuce that went to seed. I figure I provide her a magnificent life for all of the hard work and happiness she's provided me over the years. The only chicken that lets me pick her up and in her own heaven the other bully chickens get jealous since they don't let me pick them up.
Guinea fowl can do a much better job but chickens is also a plus, and including ducks to get rid of slugs and snails.
Can you show us how you make/construct a temporary fence so your chickens can forage a little? Thanks so much for your awesome videos. It’s so cool to have a permaculture expert to show us how to achieve that and free advice. Your channel is my very most favorite of all!
When we have had a good number of chickens we barrow their manure to put over the potatoes in their trenches – we cover the potatoes liberally with manure and have had the best potatoes this way. Potatoes might be an exception?
Wood chips
Do your chickens ever fly up o to.your fence and leave the yard? We want to free-range our hens I then garden but I worry about them flying up onto the low fence and escaping the property.
I think if I had chickens like this I'd never have the Heart to eat them, i'd Just use their eggs