Saving basil seeds is easy and something that anyone can do. Free seed saves money, and helps to connect us to where our food comes from full circle. Save your seeds!
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When will my plants become flowered and then dry? They’re still bright green where I am.
So the ones I ordered from your store I just got today, THANK YOU! but are they gonna be cross pollinated?
Watch camera angles. The majority of what you were doing was off down in the corner off camera. Not visible.
Also… i dont want my basil plants to stop growing leaves so i have cut of the seed flower part of stems and let them dry on the counter. Would this be the same dry seed as letting them dry on the plant?
I am growing basil in my hydroponic garden, since its got continuous water, will the seed stalks still dry out? I have lots of green flowers and buds, do I just wait?
great video! this was my first seed saving video…what do we do with the seeds till they are ready to be planted? how do we store them?
Once you have the seeds, what is the best container to store them in over winter?
Cool! I have been growing (and buying) Basil plants for years. This year I learned how to cut the tops off and grow new roots in water to try and keep basil going all year. I usually only plant 1 variety so seeing how to save seeds gives me another way. This is great because I have been moving my entire garden over to heirloom and re-use each year. You win my tip of the day award!
How long until seed pods open and you lose the seed if you do not harvest seed pods? I want to try this but afraid I will miss the window waiting for them to dry enough to harvest.
He is the cutest ever, oh my gosh.
My basil never gets that far. Well maybe bc I constantly trimmed during the season, but I did leave an area to seed and it just never got that far. I am in WI and since it's gotten below 50, I harvested all of it. I HATE THE MIDWEST.
Part of me can't wait because I have been steadily sniffing my basil nearly every time I walk by already.
I don’t want to miss my seeds!! Thank you for some great information!!
OMG. I made a mistake. I just cut the green flower and dry it. Are they useless now? Should I throw them away ?
Hi luke, do i keep watering my flowering basil? Will that cause the flowers to dry up or do I continue watering as needed? Its in a pot btw.
Can you harvest them while they are still green and hang them upside down until dry?
This is delightfully informative, thank you! How would I store these basil seeds and when would it be a good time of the year to start planting?
I use a blender for a few seconds then strain / blow out chaf.
Separate seeds from spent flower heads with blender or shake in bag. Strain & blow chaff away.
Cover flowers from self polilnating plants, like basil, with small hole mesh bag to reduce cross polination & bug infestation & shake plant to help pollination. Pass the word.
Absolutely loved your tutorial
I'm so excited to be able to save seeds from my purple basil. So easy my kids could help 
Perfect video! Thnk u for this instruction! I ALMOST harvested my seeds TOO early….
Will deff wait awhile longer
Informative, but he needs to talk less, next time get to the point quicker.
The cross-pollination is half the fun! You never know what you're gonna get! Like with peppers, saving seed can be fun AF!
Thank you for the effort this video is still useful in 2021
How do you store the seats until next spring? And do you really have to wait that long or can you use some for a second planting in September?
That was easy. Thank you!
Thanks So Much!
There are many good YouTube channels on gardening out there but yours is BY FAR the best! Keep up the great work!
Your videos are always helpful. Can you cut the flower heads off and allow them to dry in a cool, dry place and then harvest seeds or do they have to dry completely on the plant? Thanks!