For centuries people have been hang drying herbs like rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, and mint as well as many other herbs. It preserves the freshness, quality, and shelf life while only taking seconds to prepare. We will show you how to hang dry herbs today and you won’t ever use an oven or dehydrator again.
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thanks! i just put mine on my wall n love the way it looks! I think ill do a video for my channel!
4:44 Tutorial starts
I liked the backgorund info, but might need the timestamp for when the tutorial starts
I was waiting for the thyme jokes
Can these bundles hang in ingested garage or garden house??
I’ve been doing this for years. I lived with my grandma and she taught me this method.
Skip to 4:41 If you don't need the sales pitch on why you should dry herbs naturally.
Can you dry Marigolds this way?
This is great because I don't have the budget for fancy dehydrators.
Any thoughts as to how long they should dry for and at what RH?
Also, how would you cure basil if you had say 10 bushels? I'm not standing in front of an oven or dehydrator for that long. I love me some basil, but not that much.
I have very good luck air drying Parsley.
I am Australian and I am trying to work out what Erbs are? I thought there was a H in there somewhere! Otherwise very good.
All glory to God for allowing me to meet Dr. Tigo herbal remedy on YouTube for curing my herpes infection in just 2week with herbal root medicine….
I dry my oregano this way and we’ll as my mint. I also dry may fresh basil this way I find that when I dry my own herbs they taste so much better the sent of the basil smells like bread basil unlike the sent of store purchased dry basil. I don’t have time of land to grow much so I go to H mart buy large bunches herbs tie it up let them hang check them out every few days when they are done and I have spare time I process them and my spice rack is full of better tasting herbs than I can buy.
I use this method … but add one more element ! … I put them in brown paper grocery bag upside down, tie the top of the bag up – loosely – just above where the herbs have been tied up and hang them from a rack or strung line… it protects the herbs from dust and light.
i find that the smaller herbs can fall off so I tie them in brown paper bags with air holes.
will this work for chives?
It works better to do a slip knot on the bunch of herbs, that way when they start to dry out, the string easily moves tighter with them!
Not really true…air drying can cause mold to develop.
I wash my herbs in soap and rinse, then put them in the sun to dry but I find some of my leaves turn yellow while drying tho not sure why
The only thing I can see is when drying herbs in a room ect,they will collect house dust,not good,l dry mine in a oven then put them threw my grinder, Job done,
Allow the pants to dry slow and keep the air dry but cold you will keep all the turps in ya hurbs simple keep out of light old timers would use the the house attic
This way uses for herbs because of essential oil lost. But I wonder it can be used for other leaf tea such as green tea leaves, avocado leaves… more quality than heat process??
Hello, I want to say special thanks to Dr unity on YouTube for helping me get cured from my genital herpes with his herbal medicine.thank you ones again Dr unity
This is really motivating,I advice everyone to try out Dr unity on YouTube herbal remedy to get rid of any type STI:herpes,genital, warts,hepatitis and many more.. may God bless all you do dr unity.
Question: I live in wet Michigan and have a dehumidifier in my basement where I plan to hang the herbs. Will the dehumidifier set to 40% mess up the herbs? Thanks
I have a question about drying rosemary. I have had mine drying, upside down for over two months in my kitchen. Is that too long and how can you tell if it's moldy or bad? They seem fine and crispy to me and don't look bad. My friend says she doesn't even store her herbs. Just keeps them upside down and uses them as she needs, but I am a worry wort and wanted to check if that's safe or not. xD Anything helps. Thank you!