June 9, 2024

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: December Garden Update

  1. Well, I think we can see that winter is not the best season for gardening! My gosh, 10 degrees is just too cold! I hope all your efforts to protect the plants is rewarded. I hope you and Al had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you both a happy and prosperous New Year!!!

  2. Very nice on the garden update here Lea!! You're still growing but me i'm looking forward
    to Spring!! Planning on doing a few "salad" buckets. Hoping to grow a lot of snow peas and green beans too!! Probably will try corn again in the same main spot. Been doing a lot of research on all different kinds/breeds of veggies, to see which normally provides the best bang for my buck. Hope you are having/had a great break and holidays!!
    Have a good'nnn

  3. I love your winter garden and all that lovely green veg! I'm looking at snow on my garden beds lol. Thank you for sharing a walk aroubd your lovely garden. Hope you have a very happy new year!

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