June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How to Keep your Petunias Looking Full and Flowering- PETUNIA CARE

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1. Sunlight
To bloom abundantly, petunias require a good soak in the sun for at least 6 hours. They love warmth and sunlight. Keep your potted plants in a spot that receives full sun.
2. Watering
Petunias may recover from the underwatering shock, but overwatering is the main reason why container grown petunias die. This attractive flowering plant requires moderate watering and slightly moist soil during the day. Water regularly but let the soil to dry out between the watering spells to avoid root rot.
For growing best petunias in pots, your growing medium must drain freely. A soil-less mix is right for this purpose.
4. Fertilizer
Petunias are greedy and needy plants when it comes to fertilizer. Either apply slow release fertilizer at the time of planting or feed them every other week using organic compost or diluted liquid fertilizer. Additionally, application of compost on top of the surface can be made too. If your container grown petunias have lush foliage and less or no flowers, you may need to apply fertilizer that is low in nitrogen.
5. Pinching should be done
If you’ve bought petunia plants from a nursery or growing them from transplants, pinch off the top one inch from each stem and remove all flowers. If grown from seeds, baby petunias (multifloras and grandifloras), when they’re 6 inches tall, pinch them back a little to promote more vigorous side shoots.
6. Deadheading is must
This is one of the essential petunia care tips you need to follow. Remove faded flowers so that the plant can concentrate its energy on producing more blooms. It’s also important to remove the seed developing portion below each flower.
7. Look at pest
Common garden pests, especially the aphids affect this beautiful flowering plant the most. So keep an eye on them, look on and under the leaves to identify the infestation.Check out some of the most effective natural ways to kill Aphids

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Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/u4PI5p5bI9k

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Link:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4DyBUG242c
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Keep your Petunias Looking Full and Flowering- PETUNIA CARE

  1. Sir mene hanging basket me soil, coco peat, vermicompost, neem cake diya hai, or in sabko north side me indirect bright location pe rakkha hai.. to oha rakhna thik hai yah direct sun pe rakkhe?

  2. The Petunias have yellow color inside and the morning glories have a white color inside. That's the difference of both, their is no petunia with a white light not a Morning Glory with a yellow light. (Besides opening and closing, the Morning Glory) Goodmorning from Los Angeles, California.

  3. i envy you so much you have such a beautiful garden mine are like lazy plants. and one question , can you tell eco friendly fertiliser that can be made at home for petunia plants for heavy flowering that has low nitrogen content

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