May 29, 2024

VIDEO: Small & Debt Free

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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Small & Debt Free

  1. Save save save and wait for the market to drop and then make your move. I love the idea of the rental houses, you wouldn't have to pay for lawn maintenance, and your renters will most likely buy your produce also

  2. GOOGLER a most necessary video THE MONEY MASTERS …. and find the paperback (for those who still read) REMINISCENCES OF A STOCK OPERATOR …… Great Video and Great Reading Now for a few words – Cycles … Economic cycles- Mysterious Cycles tied at the hip to the Globalists best ran casino Royale …which is carefully manipulated by some stone temple prognosticators educated by ancient texts and secret circles …… Free Markets – There is no free market, its all manipulation engineered controlled and ran by the same Banking hegemony and their cronies for a few thousand years all the way back to King Solomon…… (you liked Carnegie book(different video) that's a hoot, it is bathroom reading at my household, I consider it a playbook engineered by the colonizer hegemony – who Carnegie and family was a part of )…. All this drivel by me, it is in line with conversation about sustainable planet and artificially market collapse you alluded to, I was a day trader 07-08 was the best education money could buy.Decolonization is the only way mankind can survive collapse… on that note:
    Reorganization of Priorities based on Perspective created by – careful – lengthy – observation…
    Nothing New Under The Sun …
    What Goes Up Will Come Down No Less at the perfect time and moment orchestrated carefully and executed with the utmost precision to create the most market volatility as inhumanely possible by the Hegemony.
    In The Mean Time-
    Learn From The Past.
    Live in the Moment.
    Plan for the Future.


    one last thing before i go- if you have ever had a N.D.E when your life flashes before your eyes its about the people in your life your loved ones and relations across the universe … usually never about stuff or possessions- (maybe some regrets about the pursuit of said acquired stuff though) so if you survive and have some children and are open to what real love is and is not then the gift of children the blessing of children- The Miracle of A Child's Heart and perceptions have a way of changing ones perspective- they are sent here to remind us of what matters and how we need to become …………..

    Miigwetch Blessings and aloha td

  3. I like the way you think. Everything (prices) moves in cycles. In Southwest Florida real estate crashed in 2008 with the financial crisis. A lot of people lost their jobs and homes. The house I own once sold for $350k and I was able to buy it in 2012 for $109k. It is on almost 3 acres mostly lightly wooded with tall slash pines and cabbage palms. Keep paying down your mortgage and buy Canadian Silver Maple 1 oz. bullion coins. 2019 could very well be the year silver breaks free from manipulation and soars…

  4. Crypto…? Ughh… Go physical, go with PM's if you want to straight up save money (under the mattress) that isn't eroded by inflation. And, this prepper thanks you for sharing your knowledge and experience. Local, sustainable food production is vital in every community in a SHTF scenario, your Urban Farming concept is truly inspiring!

  5. Curtis Stone you are setting an excellent example for all of us! Peace and love brother! Vanguard’s forecast for 2019 is that global stocks will return 4.5-5.5% on average, per year, over the next ten years and that bonds will provide 2-4% on average, per year, over the next ten years. So a classic 50/50 allocation could return 3.25-4.75% for several years. If that forecast is any good, paying of debt is a great choice because the spread between interest expense and expected future return is very narrow.

  6. There's a lot of peace of mind when you have no mortgage. That hours is yours, plain and simple. Not to mention, like you said, if you have cash and the market collapses you'll have a chance to buy a lot of property very cheaply. That's exactly what happened in the US after the 2008 collapse.

  7. I've simplified. Student loan debt is hanging over us as newlyweds. I want property too Curtis but with the crazy Betsy Devos putting a halt to loan forgiveness and land in California pushing us towards other states, it's all about simplifying our lives. We don't do much spending but we do have a good, simple life. I've received scholarships from two courses so that has given me a strong and rapid education to permaculture and ecological design. Thankfully sharing my truth has been my saving grace. I've been learning from you and JM for some time and Diego, Conor and Elaine have been available online as well. I'm ready to get to it. Abundant mindset only. No more devils advocates. I've played that tape out. Gotta stay positive. Thanks for all you do Curtis. Hope to see you around someday soon. Jay

  8. Curtis I believe you are right about this BC govt — they’re propping up the land values through property tax assessments where it is not warranted. I’m seeing a 30% increase from 2018-2019 in land value in the east Kootenay — why this huge increase? Something will give out ???

  9. I'm sure you'll always be successful. Devil's advocate: What about monopoly capital? Inevitably, your decision not to expand will mean competitors will corner the market and I know you know that, which is why you're talkin about creating new revenue streams. In Brooklyn NY, rooftop hydroponic gardens are on top of Wholefoods…Farming is way too volatile. Our problems, on an individual level, aren't so much financial, they dare I say it, are existential. When you're on your deathbed your contribution to humankind has been raising consciousness about the importance of growing healthy food in an innovative way that's inspired others to change their lives. In retrospect, paying off our mortgages is important, yet a myopic and generationally specific problem. Only a generation ago the Baby Boomers had their mortgages paid off by the time they were 40 or 50 and then they were left with what? Their revolution was dead and they went shopping… their kids went to college and played baseball, and nobody cared… they successfully raised kids and had a savings account, stock portfolio, and still left with a hole inside of them as the earth burned. Get back on your bike and ride… I understand not wanting to feel like a slave to the corporate government plutocracy but we all are even if we are debt free.. nevertheless heavy is the head that wears the crown and I respect your decision to stay small. Ultimately as citizens and parents we have to ask ourselves what's important to us. The way I see it this dystopia that has developed globally has created revolutionaries and preppers. self-centeredness is a deadend.

  10. I realize this video is a bit older but Mate, I love your reasoning and general way of thinking. You make a lot of sense and what you said then is eerily correct now. I've subscribe to your channel. Greetings from Australia

  11. There is that $35 trillion in government debt we all owe, though. And state government debt. And city government debt. And local debt. And property tax.
    Actually, money is a zero-sum game… debt created to create money == amount of money in existence. So a zero-sum game money system is a constraint.

    Love your example, though. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I'm entering into my adult life post-college during a pandemic with freedom to choose my own path to make money. I am in the lower tens of thousands in debt from obtaining a forestry degree. Listening to you helps me realize that I am a young buck and have plenty to learn. I want to garden, tree plant, educate, and make Youtube videos as well. You're quite similar to who I am. I am excited to connect with you over these videos and maybe gain a chance to meet you in the future.

  13. Hey Curtis, waiting for the crash is a great idea, I think you’re completely right that a socialist economy is unsustainable. You can throw 500 into Bitcoin to have that hedge, create a brokerage account with both stocks and bonds, the way I have mine is the vanguard total bond market, total stock market, total international stock market and the s@p 500. The reason for this is that when stocks do well bonds stay stable and when stocks go down bonds do great. Invest in precious metals such as gold and silver. Something else I do is I buy 100 dollars worth of pennies every month because you can sell them based on the weight instead of their value as well. Real estate after the crash would be a great investment too because if hyperinflation happens in Canada like we just saw in some European countries you can use your mortgage as another hedge.

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