It is early June and the garden is growing fast and producing tons. We will be starting our Giant Crimson tomatoes in the next couple days.
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luke in your bean bed you mentioned the roots weren't at the core yet so you water for now…I guess I missed it before but do you have cores set up in all your garden beds ?
I just harvested one of my Pontiac Red potatoes in a container. It was awesome. First time gardener
Great video as usual Luke!
Beautiful Garden Luke. Had fun joining you on the tour!
Did you plant your garlic in the fall?
I just wanted to say thank you for all the great videos. I have been watching your videos for about 4 years now and have learned a ton. I really appreciate you taking the time to create and post all this amazing content.
Thanks for update! It's great to help me know if I am on track. Good news, I am!
Nice tour Luke. Maybe you & Sindy can do a kimchi recipe video! I just received my new bag of Trifecta+ in the mail yesterday!
Can't wait to see updates to your garden
Luke, looking at your strawberry beds i can only wonder if you have similar pest issues as me. I have i think rats, and maybe a bunny that stole all my strawberries last summer.. do you have problems with them? how do you keep your garden so rodent free and able to harvest in peace.
Do you take off your first tomato flowers so it spends more time on the stock of let it go ?
how can I get trifecta
Good luck with the pumpkins and butternut squash— hyssop looks nice!
My potato plants are flowering now. 2-3 weeks early. I planted them mid April in buckets. I hope the yield is good this year but I am afraid that the plants flowered to fast to yield anything.
I'm just finishing up my garden now. My neighbors zinnias have blooms on them and I'm out there adding peppers and tomatoes in this heat I have in NE MO.
Do y'all use any sort of garden planning system? I myself have been using grid paper and calendar. I was wondering what sort of tips or insight you may have into the processes of layout and area usage.
We had a frost in April here in Arkansas
Wow the cherry clusters are doing absolutely fantastic !
Do a how to grow raspberries in a container
Question: in your most recent video you said you have high blood pressure.
But you are making kimchi. What recipe are you using? Are you doing a low salt recipe?
I’m curious because I also have high blood pressure.
Do you mulch your strawberries in the winter
Also what’s better raised beds or no raised beds
Wonderful video and a very beautiful garden with incredible plants
thanks for your videos. very informative and inspirational.
When you say that you are getting your second crop in there, do you mean that you are harvesting all of that lettuce, tilling the soil and putting more seeds in? Thank you for your guidance, your videos have inspired me to do my first raised bed this year!
What are you going to do with all that lettuce? Do you blanch and freeze it? That's way too much to harvest all at once for a small famliy.
I'd like to see what orientation you guys use for your beds, in terms of N/E/W/S…