This simple trick for growing Tomatoes can make all the difference!
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If you protect your plant during the winter is It possible to have a forever growing tomatoes trees
Just great info! Simple and easy
Hey James I’ve been gardening for a while now recently I noticed some of my tomato plans have some stem and leaf growing of off my flower clusters. Is it normal ?
Wow amazing video thank you so much for the tips. I'm here in North Jersey. All my tomatoes got eaten by deers. Deers love them. So making sure that no deer can access the plants would be an important tip I would say…
Also I would love to know where you go wild foraging in New Jersey. There's a lot of fruits everywhere.
When plants are well developed (over 3 feet high) what fertilizer is recommended, the n-p-k ratio, and how often to apply it?
Great video James. Excellent information
Well I'm new to all of this. I've got a cherokee purple that I was planning on keeping a single stem but has sent out a sucker that that splits at the center of the main stem, you can even see a crease in the center. It's honestly hard to tell the sucker from the main stem. I'm not sure if I should cut what i believe is the sucker or leave it alone.
James,its been my understanding that when you prune suckers not to remove the first one below the first blooms. Also wait and be sure the blooms start to produce tomatoes. This first sucker is supposed to be 1/2 of the tomato plant. Do you know if this is true? I have followed this practice for over 20 years. I also put suckers in water to grow roots and sometime get a chance to plant them instead of growing more seeds.
The replanting tip (bury them deep) is GOLD!
Thanks James!
Your amazing
I have 6 plants of tomatoes and I have no tomatoes and only one plant has flowers but they die. What can I do? I’ll try what you said in the video and see if that help.
Hi i my Darlung love from England. I really love your U Tube Vlogs. You are so knowledgeable, which is great x All pur Plants are in Pots, coukd we put woodchips round ths base inside the post to keep in mousture? X
Do you have any Canning Recipies as we have grown Indeterminate Toms this year x so happy seeing the flowers x we have some Tiny Tomatoes so small but hopeflully will be lovely and Red in time x
He has very large hands. Is no one else scared? I feel like he would crush my skull as a source of nitrogen for his tomatoes.
I cant understand what he said he talks too fast and dont say it proply what was his favrit variety of determinat for canning.
Good to know nice one
His Walk is everything lol
Like! Я не понимаю, но смотрю. Удачи!!!
My tomato seed pack said to keep away from brassicas. I was thinking of growing a tomato beside some and sending them a picture with a note saying "Don't tell me how to live my life". Now that I've seen you do it, it's gotta be done. Thanks for making these videos man.
You can root suckers and start new plants. I can only grow tomatoes in a greenhouse and kept the last rooted suckers indoors. I had fresh tomatoes of my windowsill in December. It wasn't a lot but still a fun experiment.
James, enjoy every episode. Growing my tiny food Forrest in southwest Florida. Love every minute our foxing the pests and diseases. Not easy
U can use seed from a storebought tomato
Can you advise on the fertilizer please .
A big thank you from Kansas. I truly appreciate all the knowledge you freely share.
My 1st year growing tomatoes in buckets didn't know they were indeterminate. They fell over one day. Had to mounting them next to my 10ft shed. They grew over the shed and didn't stop producing until almost October. My Granny R.I.P. was tired of tomato sandwiches by July. Indeterminate and staking is the way to go
To self pollinate. Have a kid let them turn 4 and teach them gardening. They love touching the yellow flowers one by one. But do they know they are helping the cause
I love your variety of plants.
I planted 3 trees this year for the first time, a fig, a mulberry and a lemon. I dug up a patch of grass and on one piece started planting marigolds and some veggies. Just starting out, but will expand. I take used 2 litre soda bottles (plastic bottles) and cut them to produce "grow tubes" that will use less water as you only water inside the tube. In South Africa where we almost ran out of water in Cape Town this will be important. At the moment I mulch with grass clippings and cover with cardboard boxes. Seeds are sprouting, feels great.
Hi James. Hi Tuck. Hope you’re both well and happy. Thanks for another great vid. From Melbourne x