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I've been watching ALL of your videos and having a blast. This was a lovely rainy day change of plans. And, yes, I LOVE shopping for school supplies!
Yes that "moment" !!! When it all come full circle!
Not a home school mum but love stationary
Thank you! Finally I've found another person with a love for school/office supplies!!! My family has always joked that I'm weird for loving office supplies. When we're in the store and we get near the office supply isle, they start acting as if they have to "save me" from loading up on supplies. I don't always buy. I do have some self-control but I love looking at them and I do have quite a bit.
Ben has absolutely the sweetest smile! I love seeing him on your videos.
Oh my. My niece was asking the how do you say Worcestershire question just recently. I told her my dad said it “War-Chester-shire” but I had just heard P Allen Smith day “Wooster”. I’ve actually have never heard anyone from England say that word.
Many vets are like that. We leave places equal to how we found it, if not better. Go Myah!
Love the family footage, you have adorable boys and funny how our men tend to have "their recipes". My husband's is curry
Your Grandma was right Wooster Sheer sauce. Take it from a Brit who lives less than an hour away from Worcester.
Can you please post the roast recipe??? "what's -this-here" sauce
Loved this video!
Wherstireshire sauce is awesome on steamed dim Sims and I know I can't spell nor say you know lol
Way to go Miah! Great cooking.
God love Jememiah!!! You have the most beautiful boys!!! I love a good roast recipe — thank you!
Also. Any light within your garden may draw the moths to your plants. So maybe lights out at night. Except for the one on the pole.
Your son Ben is so precious. I found your channel during the pandemic and it has been fun watching your past videos and watching him grow up in the garden with you. I hope I have sons just like yours someday :))
My roast is my go to when I need to feed guests. I use Burgundy Wine and BtB beef and vegetable…baby potatoes, baby carrots, pearl onions…Crock Pot for 12+ hours…I love how everyone has different versions of things…Meatloaf…Chili…but I show my love with food…
I just got back home with the ingredients to make this roast!! I’m so thankful you shared it!! My 13 year old son is excited to help me make it tonight too! You bring soooo much value to my family, my garden, and my life!! I thank you a MILLION for that!!! -Danielle
***Im the one that shared (and you shared) the photo the other day of my special mornings watching your videos and my new mug from Hailey Rose, then a photo of my dog Sully watching your videos with me!! Your very special to us!!
I cook up neck bones for supper with a slew of vegs. Thanks for explaining your bone broth, great to learn new ways. Thank you.
W sauce
you need to do more of these kitchen videos. great job both of you
I am so addicted to office/ school supplies. And Back to school time is the best time to buy them. ( plus that gives you an excuse to stock up on them, lol. ) My sister thinks I'm weird because while she's shopping for clothes and shoes, I'm checking out the clearance aisle and the craft and stationary section for the newest stuff.
"Rooster sauce"