March 14, 2025

VIDEO: What to Plant in September | Gardening Advice | Roots and Refuge Farm

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: What to Plant in September | Gardening Advice | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. 9b. I have 20 tomato plants in pots, green beans, summer lettuce, bell peppers, Swiss chard, and okra. It’s been raining for days here and might have a tropical storm this weekend. I hope our plants survive.

  2. I had a spinnach plant that grew in the winter, by the time the snow came it was huuuge, the leaves were like A4 paper sheets, that happened in february. And i dug under the snow to find it and make a salad, the plant was just sitting there with a lot of snow on it like it didnt mind at all. Here in Central Europe the winters arent that bad anymore.

  3. I love your videos and I haven't gardened since I was a kid but want to get back into it I really love root vegetables but I cant find the video you said you were putting up on that in this video. Please help

  4. I'm in Ga. zone 8a and started carrots last fall. I kept them covered with mulch and plastic all winter. They survived and over wintered in the garden and started growing again in the spring. It worked so well, that I'm going to try to plant more this year.

  5. I’m in Texas watching your video. First time I’ve had a tiny suburban yard. Now that I know I can plant echinacea now and have it survive til spring, I might try that. Purple coneflower is one of my favorites.

  6. I'm in zone 9, coming in late in the game… I have heavy clay soil in my garden and I was just learning about cover crops, do you think it is too late to plant some? We generally don't frost, sometimes we may dip into freezing overnight but rarely. I just bought some fava beans and I was going to throw some ready compost and those in my soil this week before it starts raining, think it's worth it?

  7. In the spring I’d love if you could maybe start a small garden bed and show the entire process. I am a beginner gardener and really have only done greenhouse work at my job at the University of Florida on tomatoes but I really want to build a small bed for my apartment in the spring and try to have my own harvest. I have no idea where to start though as none of my friends or family have ever done gardening. Would love if you could show starting a bed, what to fill it with, best things to plant together for a small harvest, how it goes each week, any nutrients your adding. I’m loving your channel!

  8. You mentioned that you wanted to publish a book in one of your videos. I had an idea. With some help from people in other regions, you could write a gardening book that covers things like: crop rotation, companionship, seasonal planting, etc. I think you'd be a good author for a book like this. It would be like a research book (probably time consuming).

  9. Thanks for the info, Jess!

    Great to have a video that is more specific rather than going through a lot of content regarding fall gardens.

    Just starting my garden and hoping I can make it in time to sow a few things before the season ends

    Cheers and thanks for the videos

  10. hello
    i'm all for joining to give receive ideas and encouragements on homesteading all year roun gardening and …. winter gardening. so please count me in

  11. i do feel very limited for good advices, as its been my first year if full scale gardening. as i was learning week after week i did mess up quite, experimenting.

  12. i am from lausanne switzerland. hope (wishful.thinking) not to get frost until october.

    entering fall and winter, i hope to do the right things and get sime well done "large scale harvest" to get good things for my family.
    in my to seed list are: parsley lettuce radish . then cressidae (my wife craves for kales and broccolis)
    i fear its too late to sow now but would love too. kales maybe good and give me lots of salad baby leaves. broccolis, is sowing now too late ? broccoli starts are hard to find but i will try.

    tx for all and the very clever and encouraging vids :))

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