September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Native Pollinators, Beneficial Insects & Farmscaping Part 2

Learn about native pollinators, beyond honeybees, as we explore the large variety of native bees, predatory wasps, beetles, flies, butterflies, and moths that are vital to healthy farm and garden ecosystems. Discover farmscaping practices to support healthy insect populations. Nancy Lee Adamson, Ph.D. is a native pollinator specialist with the Xerces Society. Together with Brannen Basham from Spriggly’s Beescaping and Pat Battle, we introduce you to a host of beneficial bugs and their preferred habitats. Glean insights to appreciate the importance of balanced insect populations and the critical roles they play in making the natural world work. In part 2, Brannen Basham starts by explaining how figs are pollinated.

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Native Pollinators, Beneficial Insects & Farmscaping Part 2

  1. Where is Part 2 of Pat Battle with insects and slide-show as talked about in "Farmscaping for Pollinators & Predatory Insects"? Does it exist? The end of Part One proclaims that it does exist, but then it goes to Beekeeping.

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