March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Homesteaders of America Conference | A Food Growing Tribe | Roots and Refuge

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homesteaders of America Conference | A Food Growing Tribe | Roots and Refuge

  1. Hmmmm…..on center spacing…..yes.
    I'm growing slicers next year. Gonna watch for your reccommendations.
    More Dancing Please!!!!
    What a big trip for the family, glad it was blessing for you.
    Haaaaa face painted kidz!

  2. That last look was when you know your kids had a great time, when they get in the car, relax and are out. Fun time for all and what an experience. Thanks for the videos. I enjoyed watching, felt like I was there too.

  3. Loved seeing you and Luke from Migardener together! You two are by far my favorites and have helped me the most in terms of your knowledge in my own gardening efforts. Not to mention the passion you both have for what you do!

  4. Hi Jess, I just read your April Do South article. Interesting to read how you were mid travel when it all went down. I get your son's "teenage zeal," as you called it. In May, while walking my dog, I saw my first "2020 Graduate" sign on a neighbor's lawn. That did it. I began sobbing–gasping and my tears pouring down my face, right there. My heart aches for the young people whose lives have been halted. But the good new is: I began my own edible Victory Garden and found you and other gardener/homesteaders. Maybe I'm just ultra focused on getting back to nature and living simply, but I truly think you, and other homesteaders, are inspiring many of us still stuck in cement worlds who dream of living more self reliantly. Seeing those empty store shelves, as you wrote about, was a huge wake-up call.
    Before I turned six, my family left our San Francisco Bay Area suburban home to travel the world in a trailer for a few years. My dad scuba dived or we bought food from local farmers; My mom wash our few clothes in the ocean. Life was simple: no technology beyond our car radio, no chain stores, no TV, no bills. Heck, we lived on about $5 a day, some days less than that. So even before this recent crisis, I've craved getting back to more self reliant and quieter living, with far fewer tech gadgets and noise.
    Thank you for helping me see it is possible, for teaching me how to do things like grow vegetables and can food, and getting me thinking of a more self reliant future.

  5. What a FUN VIDEO!! Getting to see the different homestead’ers during this conference was AWESOME! So glad I found your channel, you are an inspiration! Will be binging on your videos lol! ❤️

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