In this episode of Levi explains, Levi is breaking down the core differences between monocot and dicot plants, and why it matters to you and your garden. Check out our new clothing line!
VIDEO: Levi Explains Monocot vs. Dicot | S1:E3 | MIgardener
In this episode of Levi explains, Levi is breaking down the core differences between monocot and dicot plants, and why it matters to you and your garden. Check out our new clothing line!
If a banana plant (tree) is a monocot, why does it grow back so easily no matter how many times it’s trunk is cut? Is the heart located in the base vs the something like the crown of a palm?
WOW I cannot believe It
This is so scientific and amazing truth that I learn today .
I'm so thankful that I subscribed to your Channel please carry on and God bless..
Good science lesson. Made me think of the confusing Ginkgo biloba
Great subject! I feel like I should have known this, but I really didn't. Now I do!
I LOVE this style of vid it’s a great change and addition to your channel.
Pine tree is neither!
1. red honeysuckle, dicot (veined leaves, 5 petals)
2. monocot, maybe an orchid?
3. monocot, don't know
4. potato, dicot (veined leaves, 5 petals)
This was really interesting
Who is this guy?. Where’s Luke?
1. Dicot honeysuckle
2. Monocot ?
Love this new "lesson" format. I've been gardening for almost 50 years and still learning. Thanks for teaching this old dogs some new tricks.
Is this Luke's cousin?
1 Honeysuckle Dicot,
2 ?
4 potato Dicot
Levi The Science Guy! Insert music lol Love these episodes
3 looks a lot like a turmeric plant, could be ginger though
2. crocosmia, monocot.
3. eucomis (pineapple lily), monocot.
Levi. Do you think Dicots are more
fractal then Monocots.
1.Monocot 2.Dicot
3.Dicot 4.Dicot (potato)
Loved this video, would like to see more like this.
very informative … and funny! lol
The second plant my mother always called Lucifer’s tongue. According to a google it’s crocosmia.
Great info! Thanks!
More, More, More!!! This is awesome Luke and Levi! Agreed, great extension to the channel. Eatin' this leafy stuff up!!