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Thank you so much for believing in us!
Thank you for sharing the reality of the farm. I admire and appreciate you.
When it rained for two weeks straight my hay that was under cover…a good ten feet from the outside still got moldy.
Jess, Your videos are so interesting. I really enjoy them. I watched this video and became really worried after seeing your darling son tell you he tasted the food that he was feeding your sick goat. I wondered if the polio and/or listeria could be a danger to humans. Please see this site (North Carolina Extension) relative to listeria which could be transferred to humans. There is some great information on this subject. Here is the link — https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/listeriosis-in-your-herd — Kindest regards, Jean
We had Nubian goats when we were children (my sister and I). We got Momma Goat (yes, that was her name) when she was pregnant and she gave us Archie (because my Mom loved the comic),shortly after Momma Goat gave birth, she began to swell. I was too young to know what was really happening with her. I came home from school and my Mom told me that Momma Goat had passed away. I remember the sadness in her eyes as she told me how the vet told her to run a water hose down Momma Goat's throat to help her get the gas out of her stomach ( maybe something she ate?) and how she had the hose in far enough that the gas was coming out but it was very slow so Mom thought if she pushed it in just a little further, that would help the gas come out faster. She did and Momma Goat died. We were thinking that the hose punctured Her stomach. A very sad day for us, but a great bonding experience between my Mom and me.
It is for that exact reason I have no desire to share our journey. Nobody second guesses us more than us. I don't need some complete stranger to do it.
I bawled my eyes out. We have all been there. We have all put our all in trying to save something, most of us more than once. This is what sucks more than anything. Hugs. Hope you're feeling better. I know you know that this too shall pass…like a kidney stone…but it passes.
Hi Jess. I am a relative newcomer to the channel and have started from oldest to newest purposely so I'm slowly catching up to the current. I wanted to say thank you for being honest and real! Right now my family is currently in the dreaming phase, we're a family of five in a small apartment in Texas and hope to one day own a small farm. The extent of my "farming" knowledge is 4-H horse judging when I was a kid, a little bit of gardening; my parents had some chickens when I was growing up that I fell in love with, and for a short period of time we took care of some goats for a friend and I learned to milk on them. Nothing since becoming an adult, but both my husband and I have come to realize this is something we'd both really love to do, and I am trying to soak up as much information and learning as I possibly can since we are in the dreaming phase anyway! Thank you for your honesty and for showing the good as well as the bad and the heartbreaking. <3
I wonder if Duckie made it or not?
So sorry about your baby goats, so sad..
I respect you for sharing this episode with us. Thank you very much. It is one thing to read advice concerning the care of our animals, it is quit another to see the sadness and grief if we dont heed that advice.
Have you ever tried high doses of vitamin c , normal goats normally produces it themselves but.?.? Poliovirus symptoms can be sorted very quickly with vitamin c
You should put a baby monitor and a web cam you need it their like children plus you don t have to keep running out your going to have anxiety issues .Can you give your goats Diotamacious .
I love watching all these old videos. You give so many good ideas and perspectives that I share and enjoy but couldn't put to words. I love how articulate you are and I could listen for hours while folding laundry

love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best thing you can do, probiotics, the molasses is also a source of essential minerals and vitamins and sugars, plus it is also a laxative to clean out the mycotoxins from their digestive tract. you can also use chlorella…liquid form would be easiest, it helps to remove toxins including heavy metals and mold in the intestines. honestly I lost so many show chickens to rainy weather and wet food my kids didn't know was moldy. if food gets wet, only one little spore of mold will taint the entire amount of food in the bag etc. maybe look into putting fans and a heat lamp or soil heating cables around the hay to keep it dry? really though, with mycotoxins or toxins of any kind, dark greens and fresh grass etc even micro greens can be the best thing to remove the toxins from the Body. maybe try growing your own trays of microgreen fodder or barley fodder, so they have the live enzymes they need. I know I made a huge impact on my daughters silkie rooster whom she has had for at least 6 years. he ate freshly spouted grass, molasses and Epsom salt mixed together, and got better, he was almost wntirely paralyzed. he got better and could walk and hold his head up and eat on his own and drink, but we made the mistake of not watching him and feeding him more greens during the night and he passed. then 3 of the 4 chicks he had just hatched with his wifey passed as well. we were able to save one chick. such a hard thing to do. just observe what they naturally do in nature. they know what they need to heal themselves….instinct is there for them from God. thanks for sharing what no one wants to discuss. so much guilt accompanies keeping livestock or pets of any kind, especially for little kids when things don't go right.
I'm putting Ducky on God's lap. It's the most powerful thing I can do!
Check out Sarah and Kevin who recently covered their hay…
Sweet baby goat…you did a wonderful job with her. ♥
Did Ducky make it? I hope so.
Thank you for showing this side of farming. It reminds me of growing up and our family losing a pig. I still remember that pig and wonder why it died. My prayers go out to you and your animals. I love watching your channel.
I had had my goat for 1 year she had her first baby and then she got this ball on her year and we called our goat friends and we learned that it was a extremely contagious abcess thing and we had to put her down.): It was really frustrating and sad!
What happened? Did Duckie pull through?
Did she make it?