What really defines fruits and vegetables, and when you say you are eating fruits and vegetables what exactly are you eating? levi explains the difference and why that difference doesn’t really matter in every day life.
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I think were there's confusing about fruits and vegatables is because fruits like tomatoes are eaten as a part of a dish like most vegatbles while other fruits like apples are eaten just as a snack.
Love the info!!!
It's mostly because of the government and chefs. Government because they tax imports of fruits differently than vegetables, and chefs because sweet is associated with fruit, and savory is associated with vegetables. Even more perplexing is a tomato is actually a berry, and strawberries (and related) are aggregate fruits.
Tomatoes, corn, etc. are BOTH fruits & vegetables -at the same time. Great video, Levi!
While it may be (arguably) correct to say that an "ear of corn" is a fruit, corn itself is a grain. I say "arguably" because an ear of corn is not technically a "ripened ovary". Each individual corn kernel is a different ovary.
Corn is considered a grass which produces seeds that you harvest to eat like grains so are you calling it a fruit because of the seed production? I can understand the idea of fruit because of the product of seeds but If so you better go back and talk to the plant physiologist and botanist as well as the horticulturalist and let them know that corn is a fruit and not a grass or a grain or a vegetable lol jk they already know its ALL THE ABOVE
Plz mr. Luke can you tell us when in November the restock is plzzzz
Thanks you
So does that mean wheat, legumes, barley, and oats are fruit?
Whomever it is that keeps thumbing down Levi, why don't ya'll just move along to another channel that suits your crappy negativity?
Luke and so many of his Subscribers absolutely enjoy Levi. It's just petty to thumb down a video like that.
Great job Levi.
This definitely cleared things up
Awesome…Thanks for clearing things up…
Very fun factoids given in an entertaining way. Thank you
Levi that was a cool video I always wondered what I was actually growing In my garden Now I know
Very interesting! Thanks for the knowledge!
Of course it’s a fruit. Just like cucumbers, tomatoes and squash.
Just had this discussion at work today.
Another good one Levi
Levi ROCKS !!
Please explain heirloom open pollinated vs. hybrids. A lot of people don't understand this and think hybrids are GMOs or something.
Love it. I had to prove to a student, many moons ago, that tomatoes were really fruit. I put the search results on the overhead projector. I called it a learning moment. The students really enjoyed it and we spent quite a lot of time looking at those "veggies" that qualified! Thank you…
Fruit salad of tomatoes is salsa.
Love this video !!! ha ha. Levi is a pretty cool dude ! My son was just telling me that stuff about the seeds in the fruit etc etc . Great educational video ! Loved it ! Now my daughter is going to watch it cause she walked in at the end when you said.. a fruit salad with tomatoes.. yuck ha ha ah.
Levi keep 'em coming! Completely enjoying your explanations.
What is his point?
I have been just ignoring these but then I actually watched one and I love them so I’m going back through them
What if i told you a banana is a berry and the banana plant is an herb?