March 25, 2025

VIDEO: My Favourite Video I've Ever Made Tag and Nominations

So here’s my vid about this particular tag. Is it sad that my favourite video is about potatoes? I’ll tell you what is sad… my bloody new haircut, that is a real thing people, it wasn’t a dare. I actually asked them to cut it like this. Oh well…

Thanks for watching – hit the subscribe button as it really does help.

Here are the links to the other Youtube Homeslice’s that I mentioned in the video.

A Little Dirt Never Hurt –

Michael Brotherton –

50 Shades of Green –

Self Sufficient Me –

Peace and Love xxx

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Favourite Video I've Ever Made Tag and Nominations

  1. Thanks for the Tag Adam two tags in one day, I am only going to respond the once. Tell you this mate I was going to tag your good self you have to be quick off the mark in this tagging game I am way behind as it is loads of video's to catch up on plus an important enquiry I am concerned over. Anyway you did OK good choice reply Take care Mike Brotherton

  2. Top choice, Adam. One of my favourite videos – out of anyone's. At that point, whilst putting your heart and soul into that video, you were poised for – and then delivered into – what is probably a most unforgettable Summer. You got Potatoes too!

  3. I remember your planting potatoes. LOL You are funny. How about Self Sufficient Me? Oh now that is weird. I just thought of him because he posted his onion crop. Hope all is well. Don't worry about the hair. If it bothers you too much, you could always just shave your head. (Grin) Stay safe.

  4. i have no pictures of myself like you i hate cameras and being filmed, at least you fight through it….if i go missing, have a break down or get murdered no one will be able to find me.

  5. Your spud video was great. sneaky 3 day shoot same clothes eh… I wear the same clothes all the time make people think I make all my videos on the same day. I do change socks and underwear every week though whether they need it or not 😉

  6. Good day to you Adam !! A great choice for your favourite video, people think they need to justify their choice over a 25-30 minute video why they think it's there favourite video but you don't have to, let the video speak for itself !! Thank you for nominating us we thought we was forgotten about so much appreciated.

  7. Hi ADAM… Simon at 50 Shades of green has tagged you too mate, and that's where we got the pointer to you… Subbed ya and rang your bell mate… Great stuff… Hope you have a great growing year once again man. Cheers
    Guru M

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