May 28, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: We Made a Brand New Squash Variety

  1. Luke,
    Looks like you have a winner here! Genetics are so cool. I've been working with dwarf tomatoes (less than 4 ft. tall)
    because my mother is over 80 and has trouble gardening. I plant the tomatoes in 5-7 gallon pots for he. I set up a drip irrigation system on a timer and all she has to do is go out on her patio and pick her tomatoes. She's so funny, goes out talks to her tomatoes & basil and enjoys the fresh garden flavor.

  2. It's a wonderful dongle. Takes a minimum of two hands to work the shaft once its properly butterflied. The seed pouch is quite robust indeed. Clearly this one's a breeder. Don't put it with the others.

  3. Can you make a lot of money off of this? This is awesome dude. This is a marketers dream. A fruit that gives you extra yield because of its dong shape. "Have you had a dong squash before?"

  4. Hundreds of gardening videos where they reference hybrids, F1, open pollinated, and heirloom, and this is the first time someone's actually explained the difference and how to make a hybrid into an F1. Thank you SOOOOOO much.

  5. We had a cross between zucchini and squash happen one year due to the wind cross pollinating, this was when I was a teen and knew NOTHING about saving seeds and such, but it was really delicious.

  6. I'm nine years old and I'm planning to start a seed business and I'm focusing on beans right now so I was growing a batch of bean plants for seed saving so when I was growing pinto beans I saw something and I think it's a mutation so I opened a seed pod and I saw nothing but tiny little pinto beans so then in my fall garden I tried to grow them and they did I thought they were just bad seeds so the plants made seed pods and the beans were the same like the tiny beans so I saved a bunch of seed and started growing it in 2019 so I crossed the pinto beans with yellow wax beans and now I have beautiful beans they're dark brown and have a pinto bean pattern and are small the plants are very prolific and make small white flowers they make 4" pods that can have about 5 bean's they are heat tolerant and need 6 or more hours of sun a day.

    This story began 2018 and ended 2019

  7. This was such a educational and neat video!! That would've been exciting to find!! Can't wait to see more of your videos on the Butterneck squash. We planted out first garden this year Our butternut squash plants are struggling with yellowing leaves that then start turning brown and die (starting with the older leaves and is working its way towards the newer leaves).

  8. Why does your website say they are Canadian heirlooms that are almost extinct? If a heirloom is something thats stable and grown for 30 or so years it dosnt say anything about it being a new mutation

  9. Our organic natural grocer’s store have been selling these very long neck butternut squash for a few years already. Oh well… In fact, I have been saving the seeds and growing them too.

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