March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Why is Compost The Perfect Growing Medium? Levi Explains | S2:E8 | MIgardener

Compost is the perfect growing medium, but why? What makes up compost, why is compost so amazing, and why should everyone use it in the garden? Levi explains this and more in this episode of Levi explains.

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why is Compost The Perfect Growing Medium? Levi Explains | S2:E8 | MIgardener

  1. I mulch my grass clippings and leaves from the trees for my compost. I'll add foods scraps, coffee grounds, ash, ect. through out the year. The worms love it, so no need to buy worm castings.

  2. I just turned mine today. I live in central Florida, so it basically cooks all year round. I found a head of cabbage I must have thrown in there over a month ago, and it was totally intact! I mean I know we grow cabbage partly for its storage capabilities, but dang!

  3. I have a small flock of hens that live in a contained run that doubles as a giant compost heap. They get all our kitchen scraps and also scraps from the local food pantry. In winter, I layer scraps, dying potted plants, and Ash with fresh straw. In summer, the pantry scrap increases and I will build two proper heaps with sides, using the old damp straw for carbon. In the fall, it all goes on the garden. I also use the coop litter to smother weeds and feed plants like raspberries that already have deep mulch. This year, I'll also be using litter to transform a deficent plot into a tomato & watermelon bed. It'll burn and smother the weeds then be nice one it's planting time.

  4. We deliver compost. It is made of food scraps, ground trees, Rock minerals (rock dust) and horse manure from a local stable.
    It is placed in windrows and watered, aerated and turned to keep optimal temperature to kill weed seeds, disease.

  5. I would just like to throw out that the majority of food waste comes from corporations/stores (McDonald's, grocery stores, etc) and not consumers. But anyways compost is still awesome!

  6. The compost I find at the hardware store is too explensive. I'm looking in the Dayton, OH area right now for a cheaper source of high quality compost. I compost kitchen scraps and garden waste when I can, but I can't get the temperature in the pile hot enough to do hot composting. I also don't get enough leaves and lawn clipping to add to the compost.

  7. There's nothing wrong with methane in the atmosphere.

    But If people were really concerned, we could get rid of the regulations saying that we can't mine it to make natural gas.

    Then we could offset fossil fuel co2 emissions with a waste byproduct, heaven forbid we recycle though, we got scientism to worship!

    Thanks authoritarian environmentalists, you're retards.

  8. I make my own compost from local scraps at restaurants. Starbucks is GREAT about giving you used coffee grounds. Talk to local places to get more food scraps and your county could have a free mulch program.

  9. Sounds like you mixed X% compost into Y% clay soil. Have you ever planted directly into deep black finished compost? For example 3 inch young plants or even seeds? I am trying to figure out what to do with my 9 cu feet of self made compost from grass/leaves/kitchen/scoops of native soil. It looks amazing, i presume it is.

  10. SAnergy is a growing business in Africa based on Humanure Composting – it is promoted by MIT engineers, the UN – etc. look it up! good stuff. I visited a village in Morocco – the most traditional Berber village – lived off humanure composting to transform the desert into food – for thousands of years!

  11. Usually MIgardener videos take forever to get to the point. This was refreshingly simple.
    We do use compost in our gardens! Save our compost friendly food scraps, jam our yard waste in there. We actually love turning it and watching it break down. Fascinating.

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