March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Native Pollinators a Beneficial Insects & Farmscaping Part 7

Learn about native pollinators, beyond honeybees, as we explore the large variety of native bees, predatory wasps, beetles, flies, butterflies, and moths that are vital to healthy farm and garden ecosystems. Discover farmscaping practices to support healthy insect populations. Nancy Lee Adamson, Ph.D. is a native pollinator specialist with the Xerces Society. Glean insights to appreciate the importance of balanced insect populations and the critical roles they play in making the natural world work. In the final part 7, Pat Battle starts by examining common weeds and how they can be host to a plethora of pollinators and other insects in the garden.

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Native Pollinators a Beneficial Insects & Farmscaping Part 7

  1. Plant blossoming fruit trees all in your garden. Learn how to properly trim back each tree to keep them manageable size. You cannot trim back an apple tree the same as a pear or peach tree. also plant in garden around edge wild flowers that "attract" butterflies, certain bees, etc specifically. Do not use insecticides that kill them or run them off.
    Our garden was always swarming with bumble bees, honey bees, butterflies through out three gardens a year. we have a long summer in Georgia. Our plants over produced every year! We always gathered and donated to elderly couples or widowed elderly people, and also poor families. Several pickup truck long bed loads of all kinds of vegetables and fruit, including grapes.

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