March 20, 2025

VIDEO: 4 Garden Myths To Avoid Right Now

Do you have cats in the garden? Are you dealing with blossom end rot? Maybe you want to use pine needles as mulch? Or how about eggshells in the garden?

There are a LOT of myths and misconceptions about gardening, oftentimes passed down from generation to generation without a lot of science or evidence to back them up.

In today’s video, I’ll dive into 4 of the MANY gardening myths out there.

Have a favorite I didn’t mention? Let me know down below.


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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: 4 Garden Myths To Avoid Right Now

  1. A build up of pine needles makes for some really rich soil of they've been there for a while. At least ours has (good thing previous owner's let it build up.

  2. To prevent ants, i fried eggshells in a pan, no oil and make sure you do it outside the house. No need to burn it, just little bit to get charcoal and this is the thing to prevent small ants that is the food source of white powdered bugs.

  3. I save all my egg shells and dry them all winter long and then put them in a food processor and divide it among all my paste tomatoes ive noticed the ones with lots of egg shells put out more tomatoes. It doesnt cost me anything but time to wash the shells out and blend them once dry. Its free calcium.

  4. I love your videos a greyt deal! I just found you, and am delighted! Could we go back to tomato plants in containers for a moment? I DO hope you get this soon! I decided to grow my 'maters in 5-gallon buckets this year. The soil layers were perfecto! All was going well until I realized the dreaded BER!!!! They are all (red) mulched nicely. I did insert a PH meter yesterday to hopefully get a reading that will help me help THEM!! I am going to begin writing down my watering times. As you probably know, this is a VERY hot summer! I pulled the buckets out of direct sunlight and they are now under an open carport with plenty of light. Anything else? Thank you soooo much!~~~~ "All This And Mulch Mulch More"

  5. would flour work as a dehydrating snail deterrent…?

    why brown rice vinegar in particular; it is the acetic acid in the vinegar that reacts, & aa is present in all vinegars…?

    am struggling (& failing) not to binge

  6. Only 4 garden myths? Relating to the home, hobby gardener, you could do an hour long video on the time and money wasting myths that are relevant. Many of these myths have cult-like followers. Beyond simple compost, there's not much that will significantly improve your production. Here's a few: compost/garden teas (aerobic or anaerobic), rock dust and azomite, biochar, applications of mychorrizal fungae. epsom salts, etc.

  7. I'm glad you didn't try to say eggshells don't work for adding calcium to the soil. My great grandmother did it to prevent early season blossom end rot back when they grew food to not starve to death… So they weren't doing shit that didn't work. Yet these gardening groups insist it doesn't work .. the only factor would be if they don't crush/grind the eggshells up and just throw solid chunks in the soil. But it's worked like a charm for me. Yes for some people it's a watering issue but early season rot is common either way. I ground probably 6 dozen + eggshells in a nutri bullet, made a little cylinder whole at the base of each plant and filled with shell dust and have not had a single tomato have BER since. I'm growing in containers though so it's easier to be nutrient deficient

  8. You can get a spray for cats that keeps them away or use an auto water sprayer that sprays when something walks in front of it.

    The best way to deal with stray cats is to trap them and get them neutered and put up for adoption either from your own house or given to a shelter. Stray cats are an invasive species as well so they really shouldn't be around for the health of the ecosystem.

  9. The best snail deterrent is making a specific spot they will easily get to and munch on lettuce, then you pick them up and cook them. Tasty free food.

  10. Best explenation of bottom rot I have heard yet. Thanks that is why different things seem to cause the same problem. I have an area I have been growing my tomatoes for a number of years. There aren't a lot of options so I will feed the worms in that bed blended pitcher of egg shell and water.

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