March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Do You Hear That Coming? (Also, Alpaca Kissers) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

The alpacas are getting settled in, and we are checking up on them. First though, I’m interrupted in the garden by some summer showers.

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Do You Hear That Coming? (Also, Alpaca Kissers) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Oh, Jess, you made me tear up! I lost my mom in May and had so hoped she'd be able to see the garden come to fruition. Neither one of us had been able to garden for a few years, so this spring when she moved in with us while in home hospice, I worked so hard to get a wonderful garden in. It's SO bittersweet to be enjoying the produce without her sweet face at the table. I completely understand the healing the alpaca visits are bringing. <3

  2. After many, many a rough day of work, Alpaca kisses are just what I need!! I just want to play that one part on a loop. You could start a whole new business of an Alpaca Kissing Booth. I would make the drive and pay for that, lol!!

  3. Isn't that how it is? We think about the ones that are gone, and how much they would love what is happening. My Granny who raised me would have been head over heels eating all the cucumbers I have grown this year. They were her favorite. My Papa would have loved to just sit at my lawnmower shop and tinker…. Man, I hope they are looking down with a smile now….

  4. Oh, Jess, those Alpacas are just the sweetest things. You are the perfect Mama for them. What a blessing for you all to have each other to love. Ben is so precious, what a great little gardener.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet family, beautiful garden, and adorable animals with us. You are such a treasure to me.

  5. My dream was to have a fiber farm to spin/dye my own yarn, make my own knit and/or woven creations along with a vegetable garden + small orchard to sustain my family. Reality is being diagnosed with a genetic condition that has limited my mobility significantly. We are now living on less than a 1/4 acre in a residential area growing tomatoes in containers, Bush beans, basil, chives, chard amongst my foundation garden. Living with a chronic condition can be very limiting, but I’m learning to adapt. Hoping to have a few raised beds next year to grow more veggies and create a play space for my toddler daughter. Watching your videos fills my heart with so much joy.

  6. Thank you for the video update and tour. Your channel is very much a blessing as a part of my work week. Thank you so much for all that you do and for bringing joy to homesteading.
    God Bless,
    Rob S. (Rockford MI)

  7. I just got some tomatoes and peppers. Wish me luck for my mini balcony garden!! I don’t have any animals besides a nosy kitty who thinks the leaves are for her, but it’s something : )

  8. I had dill volunteer in my kale bed and noticed that I didn't have cabbage moths and pests attacking them. I did a little research and found that dill is a natural repellent for some pests. Happy little accident.

  9. Hi Jess, I was not able to keep up with your vlog during Spring & Summer due to trying to keep trying to keep up with our garden and other chores. We built raised beds similar to yours. I’m so excited about the Alpacas what amazing addition to your farm and family. You do awesome job keeping up with everything! Do you home school all the children too? I don’t know how you and Miah do it! It’s just My husband & I and we garden for yrs off and on but until you I never grew anything by seeds or organic. You have open my world and heart to so many things. I don’t expect you to reply with so many followers but you been on my heart for several days to tell you how much you have meant to our family. I talk about you so much my children thought had new best friend I was hanging out with. I wish I was organized well enough to implement all the things I am learning and seeing from your videos. I am going to try to binge watch your videos so I can be up with you on what is going on currently. Ben is so adorable and life experience of hanging out with you and with garden and animals will stay with him his entire life. He will be confident gentle kind reassuring to people plant and animals all because of the love and time you have given him! I laughed so hard about KG in hay! I showed my husband and he just belly laughed so hard.

  10. Ben is just the sweetest little boy! I just love to watch him and hear him. I dont have grandchildren and my kids are grown. Its precious to watch him grow up. I love your homestead. All your family is precious. God bless you

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