March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Raspberries Explosion | Plant Growth | HARVEST time

Raspberries Explosion | Plant Growth | HARVEST time.

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Raspberries Explosion | Plant Growth | HARVEST time

  1. Hi Mark. Can you share how far down the row you needed to go to harvest those 15 containers… and the container's size?
    Picking always makes a nice time-lapse bit… maybe next time?

  2. They look really great Mark. Our raspberry bush is loaded this year, the berries are just about to pop open. I hope I get to eat more than the birds and the deer this year 🙂

  3. Glad you have raspberry explosion after all the bad weather! I started with two plants three years ago, they have taken over one corner of my home garden. I do nothing for them. Love picking fresh berries everyday.

  4. Mark seeing your plantation is a comfort to the soul, my garden looks a lot like your farm but on a small scale and yet very productive. Thank you for the video

  5. Those look great Mark! Raspberries are my favorite fruit. The local critters must know this because they steal all my blueberries and most of my blackberries but don't touch the raspberries. So we all eat.

  6. 2:38 there is a caterpillar crawling around left basket form the middle one.
    How do you reduce them caterpillars?, Ive had fresh blackberries plenty of times, there are probably lots of worms inside, you only see them when soak them in water, I try not to think about it, there is nothing like picking fresh off the plants and eating them straight away.

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