March 27, 2025

VIDEO: The Summer Flower Garden

It’s the middle of summer and the flowers are in full bloom, they really do look impressive. In this video we take a look at the colourful hanging baskets, the beautiful begonias, the stunning dahlias and the highly scented sweet peas to name but a few. There really are lots of different blooms to admire in this video. So get a cup of tea, sit back, relax and enjoy the summer garden in full bloom.

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Here is another great video for you to watch :

#summerflowers #summergarden

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8 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Summer Flower Garden

  1. Eelworm worm killed my Lupin. Lupin are part of the pea family .Alderman pea survived. MuddyBootz had the same onions splitting but called it onion fly
    Page 74 of The Vegetable Expert by Dr D G Hessayon which everyone has shows a picture of a onion like mine which all died because I was sold snake oil and told no dig by a the Harvey Wienstein of the gardening youtube world. Good night and still pissed off.

  2. Some good gardening going on there, superb blooms. My favourite – gave me a little gasp – were the Dahlias at 6.08. Gorgeous grading of yellows, so delicate, like a water colour. The Rose is astonishing as is the Buddleia 'tree'. A lovely garden.

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