September 28, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Your Tomato Leaves are Curling What Does it Mean and What Causes It?

  1. In spring when it was dry I watered lightly every evening. Now we have gotten too much rain. I know i don't have wonderfully draining soil, but its ok. My tomato plants are stunted and the leaves are super thick and curled. Its weird. They are fruiting though. First time using these seeds btw.

  2. Very informative video. Much better than others. But I would like to see one on tobacco mosaic disease because I can’t figure out if mine have that from my husband smoking by them or if it’s blossom rot or blight.

  3. Leaf curl up & plant stunted? Also a few have leaf curl & a fuzzy furry white on the vines. I took out the stunted one Edith the roots. The fuzzy furry ones have blossoms & forming tomatoes. What is wrong or to do? Leave alone or dig out? These are from same batch as the stunted. Will it spread to the other variety’s in the row?

  4. Greetings from The U.P.! (Marquette area) Thanks for all the info, I guess now I can stop freeaking out so much about leaf curl. Had some hot spells so far this summer and it seems some varieties curl more than others? Worst curlers this year seem to be my Black Beauties…. Happy Gardening!

  5. My first year attempting to exercise some semblance of a green thumb.. I have 5 tomato plants in a large container I made out of a pallet, lined with a breathable material that holds the soil between cracks in the boards) It is at least 2 feet deep and 4 feet wide so I assume its wetter below than above and dont want to overwater. Plants thrived, now seeing yellow at the bottom (even after pruning excess leaves) , upper portion leaves are starting to curl up flowers at top dont look like they'll bare fruit and the existing green tomatoes are becoming lighter in color in bottom half of fruit. I used organic gardening mix for veggies, (first batches of compost still brewing) occasionally feed with miracle grow, and water by instinct & based on rain. Not sure if this is normal because this is my first year. .they appear to be determinate tomatoes (more shrub like than vine like) I think they are beefsteak(?) variety.

  6. I'm curious. I can't find any info on why I have shoots coming out all over my tomato plants. Out of the top of the sun leaves… EVERYWHERE.. HELP… Lol. ✌️

  7. My two tomato plants with curled leaves have never produced anything. It has been hot. I can at least give it more water. I added compost and some tomato feed. Nothing yet. What else can I do?

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