March 15, 2025

VIDEO: What I'm Planting in the FALL GARDEN | Roots and Refuge Farm

Mentioned Video References:

How to Plan a Fall Garden:

Growing Salad Greens in a Soil Bag:

How to Grow Root Vegetables:

Companion planting a Fall Garden:

Greasy Grits Bean
Calima Green Beans
Bush Royal Burgundy Beans
Tongues of Fire Beans
Landreth Stringless Beans
Emirites Pole Bean

Lemon Squash
Early Prolific Straighneck
Lebanese Bush Marrow
Rampacante Squash

Hmong Red Cucumber
Parisian Pickling Cucumber


Sweet Alyssum (Tall White)
Calendula (Snow Princess and Resina)

Baby Greens:
Rocky Top Lettuce Mix
Red Wing Lettuce Mix
Bronze Beauty Lettuce
Garnet Rose Lettuce

Bull’s Blood Beets
Golden Beets
Early Wonder
Crosby’s Egyptian

Turnips: Hida Beni Red Turnip

Pusa Asita Carrot
Black Nebula Carrot
Cosmic Purple Carrot
Oxheart Carrot
Kyoto Red Carrot
Muscade Carrot
Danvers Half Long
Tonda di Parigi Carrot

Chinese Green Luobo Radish
Watermelon Radish
Daikon Radish
Pink Beauty Radish
Sparkler White Tip
Sichuan red beauty radish
De 18 Jours
Round Black Spanish
Malaga Radish
Shawo Fruit Radish
Flamboyant Radish

Peas: Purple Magnolia Tendril Peas

Brassicas and Leafy Greens:
Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts
Red Rubine Brussels Sprouts
Purple Lady Bok Choy
Rainbow Chard
Cour de Bue Cabbage
Tete Noir Cabbage
Green Macerata Cauliflower
Purple of Sicily Cauliflower
Nero de Toscana (Dino Kale)
Ragged Jack Kale
Red Ursla Kale
Scarlet Kale
Blue Curled Scotch Kale
Violaceo di Verona Cabbage
Georgia Southern Collards
Morris Heading Collands
Monstreax de Viroflay Spinach
Red Orach
Tennis Ball
Lettuce Black Seeded Simpson
Lettuce Parris Island COS
Lettuce Red Mountain Celtuce
Red Veined Sorrel
Corn Salad Mache

I forgot to mention Broccoli:
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Broccoli Rabe
Waltham Heading Broccoli

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: What I'm Planting in the FALL GARDEN | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. I've ate the last carrot you mentioned in my gardening tour. I have my own IGTV series where I go and tour local gardeners' gardens. It may be small but it is worth it. It packs a powerful punch in flavor.

  2. I love to hear other gardeners that are like me…. and their seed boxes… and their hopes and dreams for the next season. I'm in a zone 8b to 9, depending on the year. Riverside County, CA, USA. I'm also planning on parsley, cilantro, dill, and bunching onions. A few fresh herbs added to the canned foods, or even a salad, can really make a difference. I'm glad you mentioned calendula, because I forgot those. I grow pansies and Johnny Jump Ups through Winter. Last Sept, I tried planting parsnips in 15 g. pots and they worked well. They harvested in Spring. You can have your brussel sprouts though. Chuckle. I'm guessing that Winter will be early this year; because our nights have been mild most of the Summer. So, I'm thinking I should plant a month earlier than I normally would, and be prepared to try fleece row covers. I discovered some sprouted potatoes in the garage and I'm experimenting with that as well in 25 g. black tree pots. Hoping there's enough time to get a harvest during the holiday season. We don't get as cold as you do though, rarely below freezing at night. I planted a 4'X6' area with carrots last week. I covered them with trash bags so the soil will stay moist until they sprout. For now, that planter has shade cloth as well, because the days are triple digit heat. Hoping it works, because, like you, we enjoy carrots. They're cheap in the stores, but if I don't have to shop, all the better. Keep up the good work… may God bless it all and prosper your family.

  3. I am always grateful for and inspired by your videos, thank you for this incredible information and advice for fall gardening. A part-time and small-time gardener, I am vowing to plant more basil and tomatoes next summer, as we love that, and they did so well. I did see and try the soil-bag idea for baby greens last fall and I think it would work ideally if I started it earlier, like now, after the 100 degree F heat, but not much later, (central/Piedmont area of N. C.).

  4. I spent an entire…SUMMER (one time) establishing a garden area within rocky, rooted soil at a locale in which I'd dwelled in northern Minnesota? Leaving IN…GROUND over-winter some turnips–probably straw mulched, and, MOST CERTAINLY snow-covered, additionally–presented me A…"SURPRISE" come springtime when they were firm, hardy (not at all decomposed), and, edible!!! (Could have been dug up–all throughout those winter months, likely–ala how some do carrots, too? I don't think it was our -60 F winter: while…? Nice "survival food" for any ones needing keeping the larder going–during…winters? Mulch, AND, of course: snow covering "mulch" insulates, and…PRESERVES, naturally, yes?) God bless!

  5. Jess if you could give a garden tour of things you are keeping in the garden i would appreciate it. Things like okra and healthy tomato plants along with peppers are my healthy, happy plants

  6. My brussel sprouts (catskill) are about two foot high in 8 week and were started when our nights were averaging 5 deg c. I stared them on a heating mat with a basic LED desk lamp. I think you will be wildly succesful with proper lighting. Btw in SA corn salad is also known as Lamb's lettuce.

  7. I live in a mild climate and planted for Fall the first time earlier this year. My crops grew beautifully and looked so healthy but the brassicas made no heads?? What did I do wrong?

  8. Regarding places with really cold winters, check out Eliot Coleman. He's a pioneer in 4 season organic gardening and lives in Maine. He said that each layer of covering gives him 1.5 zones, so he has low tunnels inside of a bigger hoop house which allows him to grow cold hardy plants year round. It's pretty incredible!

  9. In MN, not -30 or lower until December.. january. But yes if you want to grow invest in a slightly heated greenhouse. We hit -60, 2 years ago.. oy!! Thats when ur doors can freeze shut. I love it!

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