May 28, 2024

VIDEO: Cooperative Economic Models For Our Region Part 7

There’s a deep multi-cultural history of integrating social and economic co-operation with agricultural systems via a pattern widely referred to as “mutual aid”. Some examples of historical mutual aid societies which explicitly help farmers include The Grange, Via Campesina, Italian farming co-ops, and Cherokee Gadugi.
Zev Friedman will share about his co-operative experience living at Earthaven Ecovillage and founding/participating in many co-op organizations, the intensive research he’s been engaged in for the last 4 years around mutual aid history, and the progress made so far to establish Co-operate WNC, a regional mutual aid organization. We’ll emphasize how to apply lessons from Mondragon and other co-operative endeavors to our own region in practical ways and give you clues to begin mutual aid in your own life and community as well as get engaged in Co-operate WNC. In part 7, Zev starts by talking about what mutual aid is and good books on the topic.

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cooperative Economic Models For Our Region Part 7

  1. So, small private practice GP who have hobby farms within a 100 miles of Asheville.
    Retire out of regular practice and introduce a centralize clinic within aegis of Co-operate WNC.
    Reminiscent of Chinese cultural practice of first generation sacrifices to get a son/daughter into med school. Then slowly bring the entire clan/family into prosperity.
    Healthy, progressive communities don't make covenants & create sustainable spaces to thrive in.
    How many Dr's buy from Polyface Farms?

  2. Yes! The man who ask the question; how do we move forward within an atmosphere of gentrification? I feel this is a very important aspect and does have an answer! Your closest neighbors, and possibly your closest friends, may not be your best allies, but, it is possible to connect with like minded individuals, even within a sea of 'other' occupants in your geographical area. I know it can be daunting, to say the least for older people to reach out and meet and connect with new people in your day to day, but it is possible. Essentially, you have to reach out. You have to make time, and maybe go a bit out of your way, but just keep your eye our for the others who are living these truths, when you see them, the ones who are doing the work for real, reach out and say hello, tell them what your working on and share some amazing info like this video!
    Quote from my friend Alberto
    "I'm pretty sure I don't have it all together, but together we have it all!"
    Doing what i can to connect with people and spread this knowledge out here in Taos, Thank you!

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