June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How to Take Dragonfruit Cuttings ✂️🐉

Dragonfruit, or pitahaya, is incredibly easy to propagate from cuttings. It’s a fast rooter and once established will grow like crazy. Here is my personal method for taking a dragonfruit cutting and rooting it successfully. If any dragonfruit growers out there have a different or better method, please drop me a comment! Always looking to learn.

P.S. If you want to learn how to grow dragon fruit from cuttings, please watch my full dragonfruit playlist.


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Take Dragonfruit Cuttings ✂️🐉

  1. I don’t know what I have done wrong. I followed your step and it’s been a month and still no root and not to mention my cutting is getting soft and dehydrated. What did I do wrong? And how often should I water it?

  2. My dragonfruit was growing like crazy on my apartment balcony. When we moved I had to cut it up to transport it. I WISH I knew I could save the pieces I cut off! But like you said this plant grows fastttt and is always so forgiving

  3. I’ve had issues with my cutting getting overly dehydrated as I wait for the end to callous. Any suggestions? Should I cut then place in a ziplock or humidity dome? I want to get the end calloused without ruining the cutting itself.

  4. I have 7 pitaya cuttings in the soil since november (it's warm climate here). The 6 of them are cut like in the video but the 7th, which is the smallest, has the little piece of tissue that you cut there. And I have to say that it is the only one that has roots. All the others don't do well, seem like they are rotting no matter what. I renew the cut to get rid of the rotten piece, wait 2 days and put them in the soil again but they don't seem to have a nice time. And I wonder why WHYY

  5. is it better to root it in water first or should i just plant them in potting mix?? ive been trying to root this dragonfruit cutting i got from the grocery store for about 2 months and it hasnt rooted…..i cut it back and saw the fresh cambium….and im drying it out……i didnt let it dry out when i first got it….i just put it in a cup of water

  6. For growing dragon fruit from cutting no need to cut underneath of that cutting. Reason why not to cut because it will be fast to roots and not easy to rot.

    If I want to buy a cutting of dragon fruit I will purchase the uncut cutting one. It save of my money. By the way nice video tough.

  7. Aloha! I have some dragonfruit plants that have roots shooting out the side.. can I cut small segments with root and let dry? Or do I need to keep it whole and plant standing up?

  8. Kevin I have two questions. One would Root Growing Hormone Powder be advised to use. Second question approxiamatly how long on average taking all conditions are met wil it take to produce fruit. I greatly appreciate your videos. Thank you

  9. Wouldn't it be better to flood the cutting when it's just been planted and top up the planting mix as necessary? That way you're assured of good soil contact right from the get go and if you're using a sandy, gritty compost mix it should drain quickly to avoid rot…

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