June 2, 2024

VIDEO: Five Garden Tips in Five Minutes

Here are my five gardening tips in five minutes!
Thanks to Josh at The Citystead for tagging me in the five tips series. You can find his video here:

You can also find the channels I tagged here:

Brainstorm Acres

Prairie Plant Girl

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful new year!!

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#Brewcitygardener #Gardentips

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Five Garden Tips in Five Minutes

  1. Great tips Oppe! My wife hated eggplant until we grew the Italian eggplants that were really slim, now she's a fan. One's own failure is the best way to learn. Congrats on 500 subs!

  2. Now there is a face we haven't seen in a while!!! I agree 100% with your tips! Especially #2 we experiment with one plant and see if we like it. Yes give those plants some space. They will appreciate it. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Brew City 🙂

  3. I had to laugh..:-) I too for fun one year planted 6 plants of eggplant and had a bumper crop; however found out we didn't care for it nor did the rest of the family! LOL I did find folks at church that ate it so was able to give most away. This year, if I have more than what our family can use, I'll be giving it to the local food bank, they love fresh vegetables! Love your videos!
    Happy 2020 !

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