March 25, 2025

VIDEO: NO Till SPRING Cover Crop Planting. Prep for 2020 Backyard Garden.

NO Till SPRING Cover Crop Planting. Prep for 2020 Backyard Garden.
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: NO Till SPRING Cover Crop Planting. Prep for 2020 Backyard Garden.

  1. I grow in raised beds in Hawaii with year round good weather. Is it beneficial to always have a cover crop going nonstop or should I do cycles of smothering the cover crop with mulch, letting the cover crop decay, then plant a new cover crop. Which is more beneficial? I’m perpetually growing 24/7 and immediately replacing my harvested plant with no fallow period In between.

  2. Great tip. Could i plant peas in beds and then knock them down for green manure when i plant veg. The reson i ask is i could use the cover crop in all my beds but dont need to harvest that many peas.
    Im looking forward to spring planting. Not much of a winter here in Ontario, hopefully a good run of maple syrup over the next 3 weeks. Then spring. Cheers

  3. I’ve always struggled with birds and cover crops. Unless I plant something in late fall the birds watch me and find the seed. They’ve actually searched through the mulch I’ve laid down and gotten all the seeds before. They’re awful. Have you had any problems like this? How should I get around it? Frost seeding maybe?

  4. I left my spent tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and Kale in the ground in the fall plus there is a row of straw berries along with my raspberries. The ground is covered with ground up maple leaves covering about 90% of the soil which seems very rich from years of adding compost and tilling it in. Does it make sense to peel back the leaves and put in Crimson clover before planting the veggies in March. I have some seed left over from last year. Then add peas around tomato, peppers, broccoli, lettice, spinach, bush beans, raspberries, strawberries, cucumber and onions. I don't have much luck with squash unfortunately. I love spaghetti squash. I guess I should do a soil test. All I have room for is about a 20×20 garden in partial shade but it does get a fair amount during the long days of May through August. I want to thank you for your videos. I have learned a great deal and no longer till or add compost. Next fall I am going to get the winter rye going.

  5. I love watching your videos and have for a long time, but in practice i still find myself struggling with this concept. No till farmers use herbicide to kill off their covercrop before sowing and i cant do this. If we then go with the transplanting approach, how do you get things to grow properly in a mesh/jungle of covercrop and weeds? It always stunts the growth for me due to competition

  6. Good evening Mark. I have a question about the sugar snap peas in the tomato bed. Do the peas need to be terminated before planting tomatoes in them. Thanks again for sharing gardening wisdom.

  7. Looks like I'll be doing a lot more gardening this year since the authorities strongly recommend to stay home… I don't know if I should be thanking that extremely contagious virus…

  8. Mark will letting the peas fruit cause the nitrogen to be used up rather than added? Same for other legumes? In cover cropping legumes so many say to knock it out before going to seed?

  9. Hi great vid again! So I want to start using cover crops but need to know when you plant in the fall then let's say cut in spring and no till. Do you need then to plant another spring cover crop to last through till fall again or will the dropped crop stay as a mulch till fall?
    Hope that makes sense lol

  10. Super excited to have found your channel! Thank you for providing so much value 🙂
    Since my plot is small (and therefore wouldn’t cost too much) would it be advisable to plant peas etc late in the season in zone 7a to achieve benefits in Spring?

  11. So for a bigger product is better to till a little bit not to deep just to loose the ground a little bit, than spread the seeds and use a cultipacker to push the seeds on the ground. Why not one just tell you that.

  12. I have learned so much from your channel, very detailed. what is a good source for planting timeline for the garden including cover crops? do you plan to de a series on old grains?

  13. Thank you so much this was so helpful since I did not plant a cover crop. I have been searching for a cover crop to grow. I have a big garden 1. what other cover crops can I plant in the spring? 2. Do I cut the snap peas down when I eat the peas, should i cut them down when they flower to maximize nitrogen? 3. what other cover crop do i follow with with the crops in the summer?

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