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I want one!
Owww, that lil blonde boy, looks just like my younger cousin!!
He's soo adorable!! 
People will buy the heck out of those mini babies
I just found you, and you're so good! Earned a new sub!
Love this and relate too much!
They are so cute! I really want some when we eventually move into a home with land
Goats are little weirdoes! <3
I like your personality!!! Keep up the good videos and I also like this kind of Breed!!! Congratulations on your new herd of goats!
Omg, they are angels!
"It's pronounced like Katie"
Mem, how much cost 3 goat kids
They said to buy essentials
I panic bought baby goats too!
Thank you to your cousin for being such a sweet sport. So glad you have some new babies to ease your heartache.
You go Glenn Coco!!
Goat babies are my new favorite! Adorable!!
Oh my gosh I want lil goats!!!
I did that a few years ago with meat rabbits. And you have to bread the does at least 3 times a year to keep them healthy for continued breeding. All of mine were large litter breeders with hybrid vigor….. 67 rabbits at one time 8 of which were adults. It was a long summer of butchering.
You really need a little agility obstacle course for your goats and boys to play on. Imagine the possibilities of cuteness and fun. Just a few small a-frame, tires, tunnels, and bridges to climb on. Could be a great father sons project. And Jess you could paint it wild colors with the boys and cousin amy.
Hey Jess. Would you do a video on how you take care of the goats hooves?
We loved our Nigerians so much! Missing them and their high butterfat milk. Love yours!!!
OMG, I thought you just had a short goat lol. I didn't know there were actually dwarfs.
They're so cute! xD