March 22, 2025

VIDEO: 12 Perfect Vegetables To Grow in a Shady Garden Space

Order or pre-order EPIC raised beds for your garden: When we think of vegetable gardening, we’re often convinced that FULL SUN is the only way we’ll be successful. This couldn’t be more wrong! There are plenty of shade friendly plants that will thrive in 2-5 hours of sun.

On top of that, there are some plants that won’t LOVE being in shade, but will TOLERATE it, which allows you to squeeze out even more harvests from spaces you might typically ignore in your garden.


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 12 Perfect Vegetables To Grow in a Shady Garden Space

  1. I put EVOO in bottom of pan, add layer of sliced radishes, put a salmon filet or grouper on it, add salt, pepper, lime juice, dill, and a drizzle of raw honey and bake.

  2. New gardener here in the southern Louisiana areaZone 9b, or so. This is my first year of growing in a partial shady spot. My home came with an OLD chicken coop area that I have been converting to my garden. I’m doing container and raised bed gardening. I have a gold mine of repurposed wood, tin, chicken wire, and other wires as well. I’m keeping the handmade chicken feeders for planters. Anyway, you’ve given a lot of wonderful advice AND ideas. Thank you.

  3. You mention growing veggies in containers so that they're portable, however if you can set up a raised bed that's 12" to 24" tall in a shady area so that your plants are higher off the ground, often they're able to get more sun. Another way to take advantage of this concept would be to set up a table and then put your containers on that.

  4. I’ve got a tough space on the north side of the house where in mid-summer I get pretty much full sun, but in early Spring or late Fall, it’s down to barely three hours. I assume I just need to swap out what I’m growing there a couple of times during the year, right?

  5. Herb is not a british accent thing. It's just how it's pronounced in every English speaking country except yankville. Why yankville just tries to do everything different for the sake of it is anyone's guess. The H is there for a reason.

  6. Does anyone have tips for a full shade garden ?
    I have a small bakyard in the middle of the city. I'm surrounded by buildings and my garden gets absolutely 0 direct sunlight. But, all the walls are white so the indirect light is somewhat preserved. i'm still in what would be called a full shade.
    Every time I read on websites and forums what plants are suitable for shade, they always mean "partial shade". And they still recommend to expose as much as possible. I have 0 point blank. I there any hope for me ??

  7. Very helpful. Thanks for sharing the tips – I wished I caught this before I put in my raised bed :(. I will keep coming back for more tips. Happy Holidays!

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