March 7, 2025

VIDEO: The Draggin' Wagon and the 5 Year Plan (You gotta fall in love) | VLOG

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Draggin' Wagon and the 5 Year Plan (You gotta fall in love) | VLOG

  1. Just thinking, re: dropping the feed troughs lower. That may be unnecessary, plus too time consuming, since chickens grow quickly, & that height will be perfect soon enough. Why not just lay down a couple 2x4s for them to stand on, for now? When moving the Draggin' Wagon to relocate every few days, having the troughs at ground level could become a problem, if troughs would drag on the ground – at least in the back. With bigger wheels, it might be easier to move around, but will also raise the troughs higher, but chickens will soon be much bigger.

    That's a nicely designed & built chicken pen. I hope they show how they built it. For when they're bigger, you could build a larger yard/ pen area, to run around, get sun on them & have a larger grazing area. It could be moved separately, & attached to current structure with simple hooks & eyes – 2 on each side, to outer walls.They could be closed in to the more enclosed area at night, but come & go – or if needed, run to seek the more secure coop area, during the day. A chicken wire top could stop aerial predators, ie: hawks, over the extended pen area.

  2. I'm trying to wrap my head around the number of tomato plants you grow. I've been gardening my whole life (am now in my 60's) and as a general rule, 10 tomato plants will provide more tomatoes for canning, fresh, preserves and giving away to friends and neighbors than a big family can use in a year!

  3. I found you a few weeks ago and now have binge watched so many of your videos and taken pages of notes! I'm sure I've jumped in over my head, but a huge summer garden, late summer garden, fall garden, and spring garden is planned! Thanks for being so genuine! We have so much in common and it really helps we are in the same growing zone! (Upstate SC)

  4. I wish I lived next door to you. I think we would be fast friends. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for your channel. I’m definitely a new gardener. Just a couple years. Helped grandparents when I was a kid but now I’m 57 and love being out there growing food. My only problem is that my body has a hard time but I do the best I can.

  5. That sounds like a quiet therapy with your coffee… Your thinking time… ESPECIALLY when you have kids the little bit of quiet time is worth more then gold.. Thank you for sharing..

  6. Jess, you might like the rose selections at the Antique Rose Emporium in Independence, Texas. I've had good luck with theirs. But the real secret I discovered is to dig down about 18 to 24 inches, and put in a really good, balanced soil, cover with soil fabric cloth, and plant your roses. Mine are three years old and doing just great. Cloth keeps the weeds down really well. Blessings, Melinda

  7. 5 yr plan. We own 3.5 acres, next year we plan to make it 5.2 acres. A lot of it is locust trees with much brushy under growth. The plan is to remove most of it and plant an orchard. I've already started with several grape bushes, 3 chestnut, 2 peach, 2 cherry, and 7 apple trees. I have a few crab apple trees which I will probably keep. I also have a veggie garden and many flowering bushes. We have about 10 roses, 20 spirea, 15 hibiscus, 3 lilac, 3 eldaberry, 11 rhodes, 17 azalias, and 44 hydrangeas. There are a few others as well. So just maybe I'm a little addicted.

  8. I knock on doors of fellow gardeners and ask for cutting, seeds or a division of a plant. Jess the worst they can say is no I don't think so .
    Go ahead and ask for cutting.
    My grampy once told me 2 things. If you don't ask you'll never know.
    The second is if you get one for free try for two.
    God bless. Love all you do.

  9. I would really appreciate it if Miah put how he did the fence and what material he used as well as the coup. You guys are awsome! I love getting to watch you guys. You all bless my life, so thank you and God bless you all.

  10. Here in California we harvest our oranges prior to the frost. I will move the pepper plants from the outside of my greenhouse to the inside. I left four tomato plants and two summer pea plants in the garden as of now. I will most likely transfer them into the greenhouse also.

  11. How sweet it is to reflect back on this video and think about where YOU are now in you're next 5 year plan! God is so good. He's so faithful. How much you've done in just the past year! Published a book, working on your second book, moving in like 30 days to a 27 ACRE uncharted land to make all your own. You just filmed your pilot episode and you're best friend will be investing in the legacy you left. Life is so beautiful when we aren't afraid to leap out in faith and pull the hard work.

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